Wild in Pennsylvania Bald Eagle By: Josaiah Lambert
Introduction Eagles chase their prey. An eagle kills its prey with its powerful feet and beak. If an eagle is very hungry it attacks bigger animals like monkeys, deer and fish.
What is a Bald Eagle? It is a powerful bird with a large wing span of over seven feet. They are raptors that hunt for the food they eat.
Where do Eagles live? The habitat of Bald Eagles varies. In North America they live in forests, mountains, deserts and near oceans.
What do Eagles look like? They are big birds with large wings, sharp nails, and sharp talons on their feet. They have a white head and brown body.
What are behaviors of Eagles? They build a nest for eaglets which are baby eagles up in a tree. Both parents feed their eaglets.
What do Eagles eat? How do the Hunt? They hunt fish, monkeys, rabbits, and snakes. They use their talons, beaks and strong legs.
What predators do Eagles have and how do they protect themselves? They have no predators except maybe for environment or humans. They can fly away and they use there feet to scratch or stab the food. They use there eyes to see far away what the animal is and if they need to protect themselves.
What are some interesting facts about the Eagle? Eagles can swim. Eagles can see color. Eagles reach maturity at four years old. They mate for life.
Conclusion: In conclusion the eagle is just great and I learned many things about them that I did not know before doing this project. I learned two new words like “talons” and “eaglets”.