TOC Exit Using UPSTOP A Substitute for Stop Optimization Use the buttons to move around the training package First Page Pre Page Next PageLast Page
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Table of Contents Intro Intro UPSTOP UPSTOP UP* Programs UP* Programs UPSTOP Uses UPSTOP Uses BUILDTXT BUILDTXT Overview: Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP Example 1: Create Stops For Summer School III For Summer School Students Example 1: Create Stops For Summer School III For Summer School Students Example 2: Creating Stops For One School From Another Example 2: Creating Stops For One School From Another Example 3: Creating Stops For A New School Example 3: Creating Stops For A New School
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Introduction UPSTOP UP* Programs Uses BUILDTXT
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP UPSTOP Creates stops from text file input You are familiar with UPSTU –Creates student records from text file Upstop does the same for stops! One member of a family of programs
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Transportation UP* Programs Programs that create TIMS transportation data from text file input –Upstop: creates stops –Uprun: creates runs with no stops –Upruntrn: puts stops on runs –Upstopruntrn: creates stops and runs and places stops on runs
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP UPSTOP Uses Create stops for students rising to a different school Create stops for summer school Create stops for a new school
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP BUILDTXT UPSTOP requires use of BUILDTXT.EXE –A specialized, Edulog text editor –Produces specially formatted text files read by transportation UP* programs –Found in \elt\exe\report
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP BUILDTXT Requires text input Buildtxt can import: –TIMS stop or student reports –Other text files List of summer school students with summer school code and student address
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP BUILDTXT Buildtxt can also be used as a field-by-field text editor for manual data input or modification
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview Using UPSTOP
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP UPSTOP is run from a batch file The batch file sets switches and defines the input file. –Switches: (0 = no, 1 = yes) Permanent Override address matching –Input file name format: logical directory:filename Example – sta:upstop.dat
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP 1.Create a report containing stop information –Usually a TIMS stop or student report –Minimum info: school code and stop address/corner –Position of fields in record not important
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP 2.Open the report file in wordpad 3.Use wordpad to replace the school code –Search for: old school code –Replace with: new school code –Check “Match whole word only”
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP 4.Import file into BUILDTXT program –You define position of school code and address in input file when you import 5.Export file from BUILDTXT as upstop.dat 6.Run UPSTOP using upstop.dat as input
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP 7.Check error files –Located in \users\username\tmp –Upstp1.err: contains nature of error Line School Error Error Stop is not address matched Street one not matched OAKLAND AV EX & OLD SECREST AV Stop is not address matched Street two not matched SETTLEMYRE RD & ABEE ST DX Stop is not address matched Street two not matched HOLLAR ST & MOUNTAIN VI ST DX Stop is not address matched Street one not matched POTEAT DR DX & WOODSIDE DR
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP –Upstp2.err: input file containing only errors Fix errors and reuse for second run of UPSTOP 330 OAKLAND AV EX & OLD SECREST AV / / / / 330 SETTLEMYRE RD & ABEE ST DX / / / / 330 HOLLAR ST & MOUNTAIN VI ST DX / / / / 330 POTEAT DR DX & WOODSIDE DR / / / /
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Overview: Using UPSTOP 8.Rebuild keys in EMU
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 Create Stops For Summer School 111 For Summer School Students
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 1.Run Student Report for BUILDTXT input a)Report Module, User Defined Reports b)All Student and Transportation c)Copy “Standard all Students” d)Name “Student Locations for UPSTOP” e)Select the new report
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 f)Remove existing filters g)Add filter to include only students for desired school Field = student School Operator = exactly matches Value = 111 h)Remove existing output fields i)Add “student School” and “student Residence” to output fields j)Sort order not important
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 k)Pick output type: Text file with fixed record lengths l)Define target directory and name for file Name must begin with “QMF” Maximum of 8 characters No “.” No extension (txt, dat, etc.) Use: C:\QMF_ (ex: C:\QMF_111)
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 m)Run query n)View the file? Up to you.
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 2.BUILDTXT: Define position of school code and address in input file prior to importing –Use the following specs for this report
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 4.Import student report into BUILDTXT program 5.Modify/add/delete records as necessary –In this case, no modification needed. 6.Export file from BUILDTXT as STA:UPSTOP.DAT
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 1 7.Run UPSTOP –uses STA:UPSTOP.DAT as input 8.Run EMU batch #1 Rebuild Keys
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 Creating Stops For One School From Another
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 Create stops for school 338 from school 320 stops
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 1.Run Stop Report for BUILDTXT input a)Report Module, User Defined Reports b)Stops/Runs/Routes c)Copy “Standard Stop Report #1 PTSIII” d)Name “Stop Report for UPSTOP” e)Select the new report
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 f)Remove existing filters g)Add filter to include only stops for desired school Field = Stop Stop ID Operator = begins with Value = 320 h)Remove existing output fields i)Add “school School Code” and “stop Location” to output fields j)Sort order not important
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 i)Pick output type: Text file with fixed record lengths j)Define target directory and name for file Name must begin with “QMF” Maximum of 8 characters No “.” No extension (txt, dat, etc.) Example: C:\QMF320
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 k)Run query l)View the file if you’d like to see it now.
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 2. Use wordpad to replace the school code –Open wordpad –Open the report you just created –Check to make sure you have the right set of stops and the right fields
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 –Edit –Replace –Find what?: old school code –Replace with: new school code –Check “Match whole word only” –Replace all
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 3.Define position of school code and address in input file prior to importing –Use the following specs for this report
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 4.Import report into BUILDTXT program 5.Modify/add/delete records as necessary –In this case, no modification needed. 6.Export file from BUILDTXT as STA:UPSTOP.DAT –Overwrite existing file
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 2 7.Run UPSTOP –uses STA:UPSTOP.DAT as input 8.Rebuild keys
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Example 3 Creating Stops For A New School
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Creating Stops for New School Edulognt Create list of stops belonging to contributing schools that fall in new school boundary Load list
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Creating Stops for New School User-defined reports –Work lists update
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Creating Stops for New School User-defined Reports, Stops/Runs/Routes, Stop Report #1 Set filter –All stops for schools contributing children that are within the new school’s boundary
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Create file containing stop info: upstop.dat 2. Use \elt\exe\report\buildtxt.exe –Start from windows explorer –Browse
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Create upstop.dat 3. Write upstop.dat to \elt\server\sta
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Create upstop.dat 4. Run \elt\exe\emu\upstop.exe
TOC Exit Using UPSTOP Using UPSTOP A Substitute for Stop Optimization Exit the presentation. This concludes the training session. Please do one of the following: Go back and review areas that interest you. Try the examples.