4 th Grade Reading Lesson 10 How to Babysit and Orangutan/A Day with the Orangutans
Circle the words with the long o sound. Rob got a pet goat at the show.
rod cots snob top blot clock shop glob
Vocabulary Words displeasure jealous endangered smuggled coordination
What would your reaction be... Most Surprised Least Surprised How surprised would you be if... 1.your mother showed displeasure at your getting an A on a test? 2.your friend was jealous of your punishment? 3.you saw an endangered animal on the street?
What would your reaction be... Most Surprised Least Surprised How surprised would you be if... 4.it took great coordination to juggle three bowling balls? 5.your teacher had a strange facial expression when you came to class barefoot? 6.someone smuggled a dog on the bus?
Directed Reading: “A Day with the Orangutans” Page 78 & 79 Why are baby orangutans endangered? Page 80 & 81 Should you coax a baby orangutan to come to you? How does a it show he is upset?
Page 82 & 83 What do they do to develop good coordination? What do the mother and baby orangutan do each evening? Page 84 Why do some people care about the rain forest of Borneo?
1.If your mother’s face showed displeasure, she would be a.smiling. b.frowning. 2. Facial hair is located on your a.arms and legs. b.face.
3. An endangered animal would be a.protected and left in the wild. b.hunted for pleasure. 4. If a child feels jealous about another child’s toy, he would a.throw a tantrum and be upset. b.smile and offer hugs and kisses.
5. A sign of good coordination would be a.tripping over a crack in the sidewalk. b.walking on a beam with a book on your head. 6. If a criminal smuggled an item into the room, she would a.carry it proudly for everyone to see. b.hide it in her coat.