CPSC 203 Introduction to Computers Lab 66 By Jie Gao
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao What Is a Web Page? A file with the extension “htm” or “html” This file can be at the remote server (with a web address) or at the local computer (with a file path). Examples: D:\documents\sample.htm This file can be parsed and displayed in a web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape)
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao What Happens When Browsing a Web Page? The browser Find the web page file first Parse the web page file Display the text in the web page Find all the image files needed for the web page Display all found images at the right position Finish
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao Behind the Scene A web page is actually a text file (only the extension is different from the normal text file). So we can use notepad to view the web page source A particular language named HTML is used in the web page file HTML: HyperText Markup Language Tags are used in HTML to express different meanings
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao Tags A beginning tag is in the format or An ending tag is in the format Some tags come in pairs (beginning and ending); some come alone (only beginning) Examples:
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao The Structure of a Web Page A web page is in a hierarchical structure: … ….. (content here)
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao What’s in the Body? The body contains the content of the web page:,…, : Different styles of headers : Paragraphs : Images : Links : Line break within paragraphs, : Ordered, or itemized lists : list items
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao Tools to Create a Web Page If you want to create a web page by typing the HTML tags, you can use any text editor: Notepad WordPad … Save the file with the extension “.htm” or “.html”
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao Tools to Create a Web Page If you want to create a web page in a “Word- like” way (type the content text and modify the format) Word: Create a document, then “Save as Web Page…” FrontPage: A web page editor; the interface is similar to Word Netscape composer: A free web page editor in Netscape
March 10, 2003CPSC Labs by Jie Gao Assignment 4 Please follow the requirements posted in the course web site: And detailed explanation in my TA web site: