Donkey By: RR
Taxonomy Family: equidae Genus: equus Species: equus asinus
Characteristics The donkeys physical appearance is similar to a horse except it has rounder hooves and long ears A donkey can be grey, brown black or roan with different markings (stripes, spots, etc.) Its tail looks like a cows tail The size of a donkey varies; the average height for a female is 54 inches where as a male is 56 inches A donkey is a mammal
Habitat Wild donkeys can be found in northern Africa and lower Egypt. Domesticated and non-domesticated donkeys are now found worldwide Donkeys are used mainly for transportation, farm work, cattle protectors and as a pet. Lower EgyptAfrica
Symbiotic relationships, energy and importance Donkeys protect farmers sheep, cattle and goats They are used as companions for humans Coyotes, wolves, mountain lions and panthers can eat donkeys Donkeys are herbivores; they mainly eat grass, hay and low protein grain. They are used as companions for farm animals such as horses, goats or sheep
reproduction Donkeys reproduce like any other animal, a horse included. When a donkey is mated with a horse, that's when you get a mule, and mules are sterile A jennet (female) is normally pregnant for about 12 months, though the gestation period is about 11 to 14 months The jennet bares one foal during each pregnancy, twins are rare Although the jennet has one baby at a time it nurtures that baby until it is grown which increases its odds of survival
Threats Threats to donkeys include humans, coyotes and other canines and some members of the cat family. Threats a donkey may pose to other organisms? “Feral donkeys pose a significant threat to the natural environment. They have been associated with increased erosion of soil and waterways, spread of weeds, trampling of native vegetation, consumption of native seedlings leading to reduced biodiversity, sedimentation of waterways and water bodies, destruction of infrastructure, and competition with native species and domestic cattle for resources.” Environmental threat to the donkey? The only environmental threat is the use of pesticides that they can ingest from eating vegetation
sources sification.htm › Pets htm htm jD8y4