Welcome to Harborne Primary School
About our school We are a popular, high achieving, community primary school. Our reception provision was judged as ‘Outstanding’ by OFSTED in March Our results are in line with the top 20% of the best performing primary schools nationally We celebrate our rich and diverse school community We are constantly striving to improve our provision and build on our previous best We aim to work in close partnership with our parents and community Visit our website to find out more at:
Why choose Harborne? Excellent academic achievement Experienced and capable staff Emphasis on effective learning across a wide curriculum Commitment to educational visits and enrichment activities Excellent behaviour and good relationships National Support School
Things we think are important… Developing self confidence and self esteem Developing good relationships with others Developing good attitudes to learning Developing appropriate behaviour and self control Developing a sense of community Developing awareness of the importance of looking after our bodies and healthy eating
Behaviour We employ positive behaviour management strategies We use stickers and tick charts as rewards We use a ‘zone board’ to re-enforce agreed school rules
Parents in school We recognise the vital role you as parents play in the education of your child We ask you to sign our ‘home: school agreement’ Teachers are available at the end of the school day for informal contact You are welcome to make an appointment to discuss any concerns with your child’s teacher, the Phase leader or the head teacher Every parent is a member of the ‘Friends of Harborne’ School Parents’ Group and we look forward to your involvement in our many social and fund raising events.
Criteria for allocating places (L.A. not school!) 1)Statement of special educational need that names this school. 2)Sibling qualification (last year 43/90 previous year 36/90) 3)Distance The local authority measures from the address point of your home to the centre of the school (unless otherwise stated) using a computerised mapping system called Cartology. Do not try and work this out yourselves by road! For this purpose “home” is the child’s main place of residence. The child needs to be resident there when their name is added to the list. The LA can make background checks-they can withdraw a place if allocation is based on an address that is found not to be the child’s “home”- even after the child has started school. We routinely request proof of address and birth certificates for all pupils before admitting them. Distance of last child admitted m m m m
Starting School in Birmingham schools- September 2015 October – receive information from the Local Authority by post about how to start school in reception in September rd December 2014 closing date to apply for your chosen school on line at: or return your completed form to Admissions and Appealswww.birmingham.gov.uk/schooladmissions 15 th January 2015 – this is the final date for acceptance of applications or changes of preferences/addresses. 16 th /17th April 2015 – an will be sent to on line applicants or if you applied by post a letter will be sent to let you know the reception place you are being offered. This will be sent by first class post to your home address. 30 th April 2015– last date by which you must complete and return your reply slip from the bottom of your offer letter to indicate whether or not you are accepting the place offered. Please do not wait until final date!! Failure to do this will mean you are at risk of losing the offer made. 15 th May 2015– you must complete any appeal form by this date. all appeals will be heard in June/July
Induction at Harborne Primary Children will come into school in groups of ten Children will attend school for mornings only for up to two weeks Children will stay through dinner time before going home in the third week Your child’s teacher will arrange a time to visit you and your child in your home
Timetable for Reception Inductions at Harborne Primary School places allocated 17 th April –then as they become available. Stay and play- 14 th May-am /19 th May-am/ 5 th June –pm Induction- 24/6-am (group C) 25/6-am (group A) 25/6 –pm (group B) September- Group A –Mon 7 th / Gp B- Weds 9 th / Gp C-Fri 11 th All start lunches (1.30pm collect) Mon 21st Thurs 24 th - Reading Meeting for parents Friday 25 th -start full-time Home visit-afternoons between 7 th and 23rd September
Preparing your child for school When starting school it is helpful if your child can: Dress and undress themselves independently Use the toilet independently Talk in full sentences, join in with simple songs and rhymes Recognise their own belongings Use a knife and fork independently Listen to others and take turns Be confident to be left with another adult for short periods of time Hold a pencil correctly to draw pictures and colour Use scissors
Early Years Curriculum This Curriculum is divided into 7 Areas of Learning. Prime areas are “Personal and Social”, “Physical” and “Communication and Language” Much of the learning is achieved through self initiated learning and exploratory play A careful record is kept of children’s progress across these 7 areas. All children are different and learn and develop in different ways and at different rates
Visit our school website School prospectus Weekly newsletters Reading guidance Absence Request form A range of school policies Photo gallery of school events
Thank you for Attending Please feel free to stay and ask any further questions Make sure your forms are submitted by 3 rd December 2014 If/when you are offered a place be prompt and frank in accepting/declining and in providing us with information about your child Remember only “Admissions and Appeals” can advise you about waiting lists for Reception at any particular school until school term starts in September 2015.