SIAMS and Self evaluation: Key Messages
Key Players
Self Evaluation: ‘And can it be’ My chains fell off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and evaluated in a way that worked for my school
What happens ? SIAMS and Ofsted decoupled approx 5 years for Good and Outstanding Every 4 years for ‘satisfactory’ One weeks notice : So still a SIB No difference if an Academy
Key Questions: The ‘So What’ Inspection and now why How distinctive and effective is the school as a Church of England School? How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all the learners? What is the impact of collective worship on the school community? How effective is the religious education? How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?
So who is involved with self evaluation? All members of the school community articulate.... Foundation Governors : Make sure it happens Head RE coordinator/ CW coordinator Vicar Children Whole staff
How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all the learners? All members of the school community articulate the distinctively Christian Characteristics of the schools values There is a highly developed interpretation of spirituality shared across the school. Relationships between all members of the school community are consistently attributed to Christian values
Summary document not an evidence bank We think we are good (link to a descriptor) as shown by ( evidence in..) Great value is placed on CW by the whole community: The pupil led worship group meets with Father Duncan once a half term (see coordinators file) this has resulted in changes such as new themes in worship plan. The number of parents attending celebration worship increased by 20% this term. Pupil evaluations show.. (coordinators file) A parent wrote to thank us for how an act of worship on courage help her son deal with problems of...
Previous Inspection If actions from last inspection haven’t been addressed Foundation Governance is weak! What you have done and how successful We have considered this and decided that it has been superseded by events
Impact of Christian Character Activity C
Think cake ! There is sponge cake with chocolate icing. There is chocolate cake with chocolate icing but vanilla cream in the middle. Then there is triple chocolate cake –chocolate through and through. What if Learning…Connecting Christian faith and teaching
Highly developed interpretation of spirituality shared across the school Windows, Mirrors, Doors
Birmingham: British Values and RE 13
Christian Concepts Unpacked Teaching Christianity : For coherent progression Working with Teachers: For Teachers 14
Religious Education Statement of Entitlement Making a Difference report Now just a subject inspection. Teaching Learning Curriculum coherence SMSC
Assessment : Really Progression Some process must be in place ; Ensure challenging RE Don't do too much data Experiment with good quality assessment
What key Christian beliefs should children encounter before leaving primary school?... before leaving secondary school?
Foundation Years 1 & 2 CFCoCoIGSCoCo Years 3 & 4 C F Co I G S CoCo Years 5 & 6 PA C/F CoP WIGSCoCo Years 7, 8, 9 C I S R I G SC