Summary of the FEE Session Christian J. Schmidt JINR, Dubna, Oct. 17 th 2008
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Activities n-XYTER front end boards and hybrid technologies Status of the n-XYTER engineering run CBM-Dedicated Chip Developments Preliminary observations on radiation hardness of the chip technology (UMC 0.180) Status of chip development work CBM-XYTER Family Planning
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 "Simple" FEB for the n-XYTER Starter Kit Allow development of the DAQ chain Allow the readout of various detector prototypes The September beam time has shown the whole signal chain operative! Silicon Strip / GEM Gas Detectors --- n-XYTER --- SysCore DAQ System After several iterations, technology seems to get straight: FEB-Rev D will be distributable at the end of the year!
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Other Versions for other applications in production 2 chips on n-XYTER-GEM (FoPi GEM-TPC) 4 chips on n-XYTER-Quattro (CBM-STS test) Rafal Lalik (AGH Krakow/GSI) has realized FEBs for several applications
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Future hybrid technology, very promising options Bump bonding may be the technology for our STS hybrid assembly! Hybrid assembly with Si-based circuit board very dense assemblies cooling from both sides possible devices may be stacked One dummy module populated with 52 chips No failures ! Christian Kreidl, ZITI Heidelberg
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Activities in Heidelberg: n-XYTER engineering run preparation Engineering Run of the n-XYTER will supply chips for detector prototyping activities! Hans K.Soltveit, Physik. Inst. Heidelberg Some modifications included: Annoying temp. coefficient addressed Rearrangement of bond-pads for better interconnect Two different versions of dynamic range in one submission: e and e. Extensive simulations realized (corners analysis) Schematics review in November 2008 Layout review in January, submission to follow
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY FAST-SHAPER OUTPUT DC-LEVEL TEMP(°C) Old TEMP.COEFF. ~29 mV/°C Config for negative input signals NEW: TEMP.COEFF. ~0.7 mV/°C Config. for positive input signals NEW: TEMP.COEFF. ~0.5 mV/°C Hans K.Soltveit, Physik. Inst. Heidelberg
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Radiation Hardness Tests on UMC 0.180µ ZITI current mode logic (Ivan Peric) single DEPFET pixel chip with many DEPFET pixels
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Irradiation Campaign up to 7.5 MRad
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Very promising observations: Damage does anneal! Very promising observations! Very similar results observed by Sven Loechner GSI on test transistors Valuable support from Valeriy Shunkov (Inst. for System Studies) towards modelling effects
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Building blocks for the CBM-XYTER at ZITI Heidelberg Concentrated ADC expertise at ZITI David Muthers ADC resurrected (Kaiserslautern) New Current Mode ADC (Ivan Peric, ZITI) Design study very promising 9 bit, 25 MHz, 4.5 mW (0.36 pJ/conv.) Simple Serial Data Driver Prestudy towards a serial chip data- interface CMOS standard cells yield 1.9 GHz DEPFET Pixel with 2 ADC Size x: 180µm Size y: 110µm
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Second Front End Test Chip Submitted at ZITI Heidelberg 26 channel charge sensitive amplifier scaling: multiple parallel amplifier cells to meet overall noise specs study various pulse injection circuits study current mode logic based discriminator Work by Tim Armbruster, ZiTi Heidelberg Chips expected Jan More Building blocks for the CBM-XYTER
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 NIHAM Bucharest: TRD Front-End Test Chip close to Submission Particular emphasis on high counting rates TRD needs peaking times adapted to high counting rate TRD analogue baseline restauration particularly fast return to baseline from overload choice of peaking time (20ns, 40ns) fast peak detector Vasile Catanescu, NIHAM Bucharest
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 The Dedicated CBM-XYTER, Family Planning STS-XYTER minimize power dc-leakage compensation compact, high channel density MIP sensitivity in Si dense mounting 4 to 5 bit res. TRD-XYTER high resolution needs (8 to 9 bit) lower channel density next neighbor forced trigger logic? ion tail cancellation facilities baseline restauration lower occupancy MUCH needs are somewhere in between. Preferably adopt these specs within one of the two! MUCH needs are somewhere in between. Preferably adopt these specs within one of the two! R. Szczygiel, P. Grybos AGH Krakow Realization in TOT architecure P. Fischer ZITI Uni-Heidelberg Architecture/specs not yet settled Common process 0.180nm UMC, on-chip infrastructure, rad. hard libraries but different architectural specifics
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Discussion on CBM TRD electronics needs started Mihai Petrovici, NIHAM Bucharest
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Discussion on CBM MUCH electronics needs started V. Nikulin agreed to help out with thoughts on MUCH electronics needs!
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008 Towards Specs for TRD and MUCH-XYTER Workshop planned early Dec Get electronics- and detector-experts together Work-out the architectural needs and specifications for both detectors Principle questions to be answered: Can we subsum MUCH and TRD electronics needs within one chip? Specifications for the TRD-XYTER chip Chip-System design may start from there
12th CBM Collaboration Meeting, Dubna, Oct. 17th 2008