Digital HCAL using GEM J. Yu* Univ. of Texas at Arlington Nov , 2002 NIU/NICADD (*on behalf of the UTA team; A. Brandt, K. De, S. Habib, V. Kaushik, J. Li, M. Sosebee, A. White) Introduction Digital Hadron Calorimeter Requirements GEM in the sensitive gap UTA GEM DHCAL Prototype Status Simulation Status Summary
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL2 Introduction LC physics topics –Distinguish W from Z in two jet final states Good jet mass resolution –Higher Jet energy resolution; –Excellent jet angular resolution Energy flow algorithm is one of the solutions –Replace charged track energy with momentum measured in the tracking system Requires efficient removal of associated energy cluster Higher calorimeter granularity –Use calorimeter only for neutral particle energies –Best known method for jet energy resolution improvement Large number of readout channel will drive up the cost for analogue style energy measurement Digital HCAL Tracking calorimeter with high gain sensitive gap
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL3 Small cell size for higher position resolution for good multiple track shower separation High efficiency for MiPs in a cell for effective shower particle counting and MiP tracking Possibility for Multiple thresholds Dense and compact design for quick shower development to minimize confusion and resolution degradation Large tracking radius with optimized magnetic field for sufficient separation between tracks for shower isolation DHCAL Requirements for EFA
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL4 Goals for UTA DHCAL Development Develop digital hadron calorimetry for use with EFA –Aim for cost effectiveness and high granularity –Look for a good tracking device for the sensitive gap Develop GEM cell(s) and prototype Develop module/stack design for EFA optimization Simulate GEM behavior in calorimeter Implement GEM readout structure into simulation Develop EF and calorimeter tracking algorithms Cost effective, large scale GEM DHCAL
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL5 Why GEM? GEM developed by F. Sauli (CERN) for use as pre-amplification stage for MSGC’s Allow flexible and geometrical design, using printed circuit readout Can be as fine a readout as GEM tracking chamber!! High gains, above 10 4,with spark probabilities per incident less than Fast response –40ns drift time for 3mm gap with ArCO 2 Relative low HV –A few 100V per each GEM gap compared to 10-16kV for RPC Rather reasonable cost –Foils are basically copper-clad kapton –~$400 for a specially prepared and framed 10cmx10cm foil
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL6 CERN-open , A. Sharma Large amplification 70 m 140 m
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL7 CERN GDD group GEM gains Low voltage differential!! High gain
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL8 Double GEM DHCAL Design Ground to avoid cross-talk Embeded onboard readout AMP DISC REG Digital/serial output Thr. Anode pad Ground REG AMP DISC Preliminary readout design
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL9 Double GEM test chamber J. Li, UTA Sufficient space for foil manipulation Readout feed-through, retaining large space for ease of connection Clear cover to allow easy monitoring Readout pads connection at the bottom 2cmx2cm pad design
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL10 UTA GEM Test Chamber HV layout 2.1kV Drift gap Transfer gap Induction gap HV fed from one supply but individually adjusted Good to prevent HV damage on the foils
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL11 UTA GEM Prototype Status Readout circuit board (2cmx2cm pads) constructed HV Connection implemented Two GEM foils in the UTA Nano fabrication facility cleanroom Preamp in hand and characterization completed (LeCroy HQV800) Amplification factor of 300 for GEM size signal (LeCroy HQV800 )
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL12 Single GEM gain/discharge probability A.Bressan et al, NIM A424, 321 (1998) Simulation study in progress using single pions before multijet events Determine Maximum total charge deposit in a cell of various sizes and gains Study fake signal from spiraling charged particle in the gap
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL13 UTA Simulation Status Two masters students have been working on this project –Mokka Geometry database downloaded and installed at UTA –Preliminary mixture GEM geometry implemented –Completed single pion studies using default geometry Reproduced expected response Energy resolution seems to be reasonable also –Single pion study with mixture GEM begun Root macro and JAS based analysis packages developed Proceed with more detailed GEM geometry implementation
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL14 Single Pion Studies w/ Default TESLA Geometry 1000 single pion events using Mokka particle gun command. –Incident energy range: 5 – 200GeV –kinematics information on primary particles in the files Developed an analysis program to read total energies deposited per pion for each incident energy. –Mean Energy vs Incident pion energies –Energy conversion from the slope of the straight line –Conversion factor is 3.54% and agrees with the computed sampling fraction
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL15 TESLA TDR Geometry Ecal – Electromagnetic Calorimeter Material: W/G10/Si/G10 plates (in yellow) 1mm W absorber plates 0.5 mm thick Si, embeded 2 G10 plates of 0.8 mm each Hcal – Hadronic Calorimeter Material: 18 mm of Fe 6.5 mm of Polystyrene scintillator (in green)
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL16 TESLA TDR detector live energy deposit for single pions
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL17 TESLA TDR E live vs E %
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL18 TESLA TDR CAL Single Pion Resolution
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL19 GEM Simulation Status Mokka Geometry database downloaded and installed at UTA New Geometry driver written Mixture GEM geometry implemented Need to use ArCO2 only Single pion study begun for discharge probability –Initial study shows that the number of electron, ion pair with gain of 10 4 will be on the order of 10 7 for single 200GeV pions –Getting pretty close to the 10 8 from other studies Might get worse for jets from W pairs, due to fluctuation –Need more studies to compute the discharge probability. Cell energy deposit being investigated to determine optimal threshold based on cell energy Proceed to energy resolution studies Determine optimal gain using live energy deposit vs incident energy
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL20 GEM Prototype Geometry
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL21 GEM Geometry Implementation Mechanics in Mokka TDR / Hcal02 Model chosen for modification Fe-GEM sub-detector instead of the existing Fe-Scintillator New driver for the HCal02 sub-detector module Local database connectivity for HCal02 Database downloaded and implemented at UTA Courtesy: Paulo deFrietas Venkat, TSAPS Meet Oct , 2002
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL22 Single Pion Cell Energy Deposit in GEM HCal
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL23 Single pion Energy with GEM 15GeV E Meas 50GeV E Live 10.6MeV
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL24 GEM Sampling Weight Statistics too low to produce reliable gaussian fit This depends heavily on EM section without proper GEM gain factor taken into account. Sampling: 2~4x10 -3
Nov. 7, 2002Jae Yu: GEM Based DHCAL25 Summary Hardware prototype making significant progress –GEM foils delivered and are in the clean room for safe keeping –Preamp and Discriminator in hands Preamp characterized –HV System implemented –Readout Pad implemented –Almost ready to put GEM foils in the prototype box –GEM foil mass production being looked into by 3MSimulation effort made a marked progress Simulation effort made a marked progress –Single pion study of Mokka default TESLA TDR geometry complete Analysis tools in place The resolution seems to be reasonable –Preliminary GEM Mixture geometry implemented First results seems to be a bit confusing –Initial estimate of e+Ion pair seems to be at about 10 7 for 200GeV pions –Local Geometry database implemented –Optimal threshold for digitization and gain factor will come soon –Will soon move onto realistic events, WW, ZZ, or t t jets