First & Second Thoughts When you think of WHO makes history (not who writes it, but who MAKES it) - who do you think of? Write the first things that come to mind. Then think about what came to your mind - develop, question, contradict, expand, provide examples, etc.
HW Watch a movie about collective action and write a two page response to it; Subculture films - Harlan County USA, Matewan, Beat Street Disruptive protest films - Selma, Birth of a Nation, Eyes on the Prize (Not)Soldiering films - Glory, American Sniper, Apocalypse Now Election Films - Milk, Street Fight One paragraph each about the historical situation, the main form of collective action, how it worked, how we could use it today.
Today's Plan Goal - Main goals and concepts for course 1st & 2nd Jokes Marx Collective Action - Definition, Counterfactual, Drawing Power - Definition, Boal, Decisions HW: 2 page response to collective action movie
Let's Do This... We'll be working this semester in Grassroots American Stories (GAS).
GAS Jokes What are the best/worst jokes and metaphors for GAS as a course title (gasoline, flatulence, gassing someone)?
Deep Insight 1 “The people make their own history, but they make it not however they want, not under self-selected circumstances, but out of the actual given and transmitted situation. The traditions of all the dead generations burden, like a mountain, the minds of the living.” - Karl Marx, 1852, 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon Please copy, paraphrase, and analyze this quote in your notebook. Prepare to discuss.
The Purple Pill Who makes history and how? We're taught that; Individuals, the “great men” By heroically making reality bend to their vision - like in the Matrix Who makes history and how? Marx says the people make history But we can only make it with the situations and understandings we inherit from previous generations.
Collective Action Collective action - when lots of people work together, on purpose, to make something happen Who has used it? How much has it mattered? What would be different about our lives if no one had bothered with collective action? What forms of collective action influence society today?
Counter-factual prompt Write a one paragraph description of someone about your age walking around in this area if previous generations hadn't bothered with collective action.
Drawing Please make side by side drawings of two people. The first should be a private individual - what symbolizes a person who only thinks about self and little circle? The second should be a community member - what symbolizes a person who participates in collective action for the good of the community?
Really Really what this course will help us do - to absorb the lessons of previous generations about how to change our society and begin to practice what we've learned. You're being invited not just to “join the club” of adults - but also drafted to play in the game of running our world.
Decisions coming Soon we'll be making decisions about what units to do first and what to try to change at Harvest (and beyond). But for now - please write down a definition and a few examples of “power”.
Great Game of Power From Augusto Boal.
Harvest & Beyond What should we target for change at Harvest, in our families, neighborhoods, city?
Sequence We're planning inquiries around 4 of the most important collective action techniques; Elections Disruptive movements Building subcultures (Not)Soldiering Which should we do first (not subcultures)?
Consolidating What's the most important one or two ideas, skills, or questions that you developed during today's lesson? What can you do to further develop that? What helped you to grab that?
HW Watch a movie about collective action and write a two page response to it; Subculture films - Harlan County USA, Matewan, Beat Street Disruptive protest films - Selma, Birth of a Nation, Eyes on the Prize (Not)Soldiering films - Glory, American Sniper, Apocalypse Now Election Films - Milk, Street Fight One paragraph each about the historical situation, the main form of collective action, how it worked, how we could use it today.