Catch the Train
Research log Date Sources of Information obtainedDescription of Information obtainedNotes 07/10/2013 WikipediaDonkey KongVertical Levels First game to add a jump feature 07/10/2013 WikipediaPitfall!Time Limit Numerous Obstacles/Hazards One ‘surface’ and one ‘tunnel’ 07/10/2013 WikipediaNinja Gaiden Can interact with various background objects to achieve ‘power-ups’ First console game to have story presented in cinematic cut scenes 07/10/2013 WikipediaCastlevania Features a day/night cycle, which can change the location that NPCs 07/10/2013 WikipediaIce ClimberCooperative/Competitive modes 07/10/2013 WikipediaDig DugInteractive Environment- able to dig
Brainstorming Post-ApocalypticFantasyHistorical – Ancient Rome/Egypt MilitaryRunning Swimming/Diving Flying (pilot)SurvivalTower DefenceHorror Driving (race) MazeMedievalStealthVampire Hunting PirateWesternAlienWerewolf Parkour/Freerunning LearningSci-FiUFOZombies Martial Arts SpyCyberpunk Zombie Parkour Survival - Have to find/grow food to survive Score increases for time survived Multiple vertical levels WWII Stealth/Spy Sniper - Perform various tasks such as ambushes and assassinations Shipwrecked USA , Ship Crashes off the coast of Mesoamerica Have to survive tribesmen and gather enough recourses to build a ship Post-Apocalyptic Hunting Survival Score increases for time survived Hunt mutated animals for food to survive longer Mythical Greek Maze Navigate through maze Mythical creatures within the maze Wild Western Gold Hunt - Chase gold across the west Enemies trying to stop you Sci-Fi Spaceship defence - Control a crew of a ship Survive against waves of aliens/enemies 2D Train Shooter - Navigate through hijacked train to stop it Multiple vertical levels
Initial Specifications: Story Synopsis Character finds themselves in a world now populated by zombies. Character is able to explore buildings, they can travel across various floors, including the roof. They are able to jump from roof to roof. They are also able to enter underground areas, such as sewers. Playable Character Player can give their character a custom name. With basic player customisation – variants of gender/hair/facial hair/hat/top/trousers/shoes. Completed Specifications: Story Synopsis Character finds themselves in a world now populated by aliens. Character is able to traverse various floating platforms The character begins with the objective to reach the moving train Playable Character Player can pick between twelve colour variations.
Different Enemies Walking/Shambling zombies Running zombies Sprinting zombies Aim of the game To survive as long as possible Aim of the game To catch the train Different Enemies and obstacles Hovering aliens Moving spinning blade traps Spikes Controls Move up/Climb up- W Jump- Spacebar Move left- A Move down/Climb down- S Move right- D Sprint- Hold Shift Aim- Mouse Attack- Left Mouse Button Controls Jump- W/Up Move left- A/Left Move right- D/Right Aim- Mouse Attack- Space Initial Specifications: Completed Specifications:
Pickups: Health Items, Food/Drink Items, Melee Weapons, Ranged/Throwing Weapons Initial Specifications: Completed Specifications: Pickups: Firearm Scoring, lives, health A higher score is achieved by killing enemy aliens. The character receives damage from colliding with enemies and obstacles. No damage is received from an enemy when jumping on them. Upon dying the character restarts the current level. Upon killing an enemy they drop a random amount of money (score) If the character falls from the platforms they instantly restart the level. Scoring, lives, health A higher score is achieved by surviving longer and killing zombies. Character has a hunger meter, which depletes. The character has to gather food to refill this meter, when it’s depleted the character’s health bar begins to deplete. Character has a thirst meter, which depletes. The character has to gather drinks to refill this meter, when it’s depleted the character’s health bar begins to deplete. The character has a health bar, this is reduced when zombies attack them, they fall from a certain height or their food/drink meter has depleted. The health bar can be refilled by finding various items such as bandages. It also replenishes over time. The character has only one life.
Concept Art:
Concept Art
Digital art Vehicle:
Weapons: Environment: Digital art