My name is Orlanda Brito and I was born in Viseu, on 7of May the 1978,I’m 31 years old and I just married with my husband on 12 of February the I have got two Children. The first on was born in Lisbon on 25 of March the 1998 and she is 11 years old, the second on was born in Torres Vedras on 12 of Sptember and he is 5 years old.
I wak up my children eigth o’clock, and they get dressed and we take breakfast; At about nine o’clock lead my children to their school bus. I get up every day at about four o’clock, than i go to bed again;; Every morning i get up half past seven. My Daily Routine
Every day i take a bath at 8 o’clock. I take a breakfast about at half past eigth.and i got to the course at half past nine a.m; I have lunch one o’clock p.m, and return to the course at two o’clock p,m; The course has the at half past five p.m, and i go home and make dinner for my family.
Every Monday and Wednesday i go to the english course for the 8 p.m and back home at around 11 o’clock p.m.
This is my family The left is my daughter; In the middel is my husband; The right is my sun.
My dauther is the oldest, and don’t need me, but sometimes she has asks me for help in studies. She has very intelegent student, and is name has Vanessa Catarina.She has a very important person for me.
My sun is the little one and nid me for everyfthin, but he is a very independent person. He likes stay with me very much,and is name has Miguel Ângelo.He is very important person for me.
Work don by : Orlanda Brito