Importance of TRUTH in the Media Stephen Langa
Illustration: Glasses
Definition: WORLDVIEW A set of assumptions which we hold (consciously or unconsciously) in faith, about the makeup of our world and how the world works Like a set of glasses for the mind
The Roots Produce the Fruit Fruit = Actions / Consequences Branches = Character Stem = Values Roots = Belief System / Worldview
Ideas have consequences –Second World War (Japanese & Black American soldiers) –Cambodia – Khmer Rouge (Pol Kot)
Cambodia's Brutal Khmer Rouge Regime Under Pol Pot, 2.5m killed
Cambodia's Brutal Khmer Rouge Regime The Khmer Rouge was the ruling party in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979, but during this short time it was responsible for one of the worst mass killings of the 20th Century. The brutal regime claimed the lives of more than a million people - and some estimates say up to 2.5 million perished. Under the Marxist leader Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge tried to take Cambodia back to the Middle Ages, forcing millions of people from the cities to work on communal farms in the countryside. But this dramatic attempt at social engineering had a terrible cost, and whole families died from execution, starvation, disease and overwork. -Source BBC
Cambodia's Brutal Khmer Rouge Regime When he came to power, he (Pol Pot) and his henchmen quickly set about transforming Cambodia - now re-named Kampuchea - into what they hoped would be an agrarian utopia. Declaring that the nation would start again at "Year Zero", Pol Pot isolated his people from the rest of the world and set about emptying the cities, abolishing money, private property and religion, and setting up rural collectives. Anyone thought to be an intellectual of any sort was killed. Often people were condemned for wearing glasses or knowing a foreign language. Pol Pot led the brutal regime, but died without being brought to justice. Hundreds of thousands of the educated middle- classes were tortured and executed in special centres. Source BBC
The Spread of Ideas Ideas travel around the globe, from one area to another. Ideas pass to future generations. Ideas diffuse into cultures through classes of people. Horizontal Temporal Vertical
Ideas Spread Through Culture The Intellectuals (religion, philosophy) The Balladeers (media, popular music, the arts) The Professionals (law, politics, economics) The Common
Worldview Impact on Popular Culture Development Economics Environment LawEducation Family Life The Arts Politics Worldview Structures Lifestyles Institutions Lifestyles Institutions Laws Structures Laws
Gathered and Scattered Gathered for worship & equipping Scattered for service & discipling the nations G-3d