Christ Is Risen – 2 Christ Is King The Godhead: Part 5
Three Basic Truths 1.The fact that Christ is King 2.How Christ is ruling as King today 3.Christ’s judgment as King
Acts 2:27-36: Christ Is King Vs : Prophecy concerning the Christ. Vs. 30: The Christ to sit on David’s throne Vs. 31: Spoke concerning the resurrection of Christ Vs : This promise was fulfilled at the resurrection of Christ. –Right hand of God not “less” than king. –Jer. 22:24: King of God’s people as a signet on God’s right hand. –Right hand always the symbol of strength, power, and authority. Vs. 36: The final conclusion? God made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
Christ’s Rule As King Began at His resurrection: –Matt. 28:18: “All authority has been given to Me…” –Acts 13:33: “Begotten of the Father” fulfilled when God “raised Jesus up from the dead.” From that point He has been reigning. –1 Cor. 15:24-25 If Christ Reigns, then why so much evil in the world?
Christ’s Rule as King He has all authority in heaven and on earth. For now, Christ’s rule is manifest through the church. –Col. 1:17-18: Before all things, head of the church, has the preeminence. –Matt. 28:18-19: He has all authority, therefore church is discipling all nations—preaching His kingdom (Acts 8:5, 12). –Why? A time is appointed for Him to judge the world – Acts 17: –Church is preaching Christ’s authority so that others might be saved from that judgment.
Christ’s Rule as King Matt. 13:24-30, Wicked is allowed to exist because in the judgment it will be divided from the good. God planted good Devil planted evil Both continue on until time is right As King, Christ sees both! Judgment Matt. 13: Pet. 3:9: God is giving us time Because He does not wish for any to perish
Christ Will Judge As King A time will come when God’s patience will run out. Because Christ is King, we must be doing two things: –Examine ourselves—Are we living as if Christ is our king? 2 Cor. 13:5; Phil. 2:12 –Spread the gospel that others might be saved. Necessary conclusion: Matt. 28:18 Proper use of God’s pacience: Eph. 5:16; Col. 4:5.
Christ Will Judge As King His words will be the standard of judgment (John 12:48). We will be judged by the deeds done in the flesh (whether or not we obey Him as King—Rom. 2:5-11). How we serve Him now will determine whether we are sheep or goats (Matt. 25:31-36).
Christ Will Judge As King Then comes the end. –1 Cor. 15:24: Christ will deliver His kingdom (those who obeyed Him) to the Father. –All His enemies will be destroyed. –Heb. 12:26-27: The things that are made will be shaken—removed. –2 Pet. 3:The heavens will pass away, the elements will melt—all things will be laid bare (burned up).
Conclusion 2 Pet. 3:11-12: Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God…” Jesus is risen from the dead. Proving that, as part of the Godhead, He is: –Savior – Christ –High Priest –Lord and King Have you made Jesus your King?