ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Alenia Spazio S.p.A. Sas Mihindu University of Salford – Manchester UNITED KINGDOM Collaborative knowledge creation environment for supporting scientific communities
2 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Aim To conduct research to develop novel interactive spaces (physical and virtual) for creating new working environments which can enhance creativity, improve productivity, promote social interaction and support knowledge management within distributed organisations. Key Research Themes Knowledge Engineering for Future Workspaces Future Collaborative Workspaces for Engineering Applications Future Workspaces for Environmental Planning Future Workspaces for Virtual Enterprises Tele-Immersive Systems Novel CAD Interfaces
3 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre KM Framework - simplified view CoP-->SCoP + KMLC + SCLC =>CKC & Dissemination Research Aim and Objectives Methodology What Tools available for CoP? Knowledge Management K Creation Process An individual State diagram - K RAID A Group K Aggregation Algorithm Scientific Communication Process Collaborative K Creation Opportunity available in designing KMI K Processing, Codification & Reuse Hierarchic Requirements model Shared facilities Shared Spaces Conceptual Design of CKC infrastructure Deployment strategy non-intrusive infrastructure Case study 1 Knowledge Management Infrastructure Case study 2 & 3 Scientific Communities Conclusion Agenda ( )
4 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre KMLC CoPSCop SCLC CKC & Dissemination Define SCoP Application for SCoP Requirement of an appropriate ICT Tool Suitable work environment for supporting Collaborative Knowledge Creation Application for SCoP * Identified Gaps KM Framework for Scientific Communities Simplified view (Mihindu) Requirement of an appropriate ICT Tool Communities of Practice Knowledge Management Life Cycle Scientific Communication Life Cycle Scientific Communities of Practice
5 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Research Plan
6 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Research Aim The aim of this research is to investigate the design and implementation of a collaborative work environment which can facilitate collaborative knowledge creation within scientific communities. The utilisation of proposed collaborative work environment will improve the social interactions among the community members. Research Objectives The aim will be achieved through the following objectives.
7 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Summary of implemented research methodology (Mihindu)
8 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre What tools for CoP? Market of community oriented technologies (Etienne Wenger, 2001) Knowledgebase Access to expertise E-learning Synchronise interactions Discussion groups Online communities Project spaces Knowledge worker’s desktop
9 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Reuse / Utilisation Creation / Development Share / Codify Repository / Capture Knowledge Creation Process Problem definition Prior Knowledge Analyse & Research Create & develop new knowledge & trail / experiment Disuses, Refine & Share Mass dissemination
10 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Knowledge creation activities related knowledge aggregation (of an individual) Knowledge aggregation of an individual P1 = Person Sk = Shared K pool of the organisation P1K = Person no.1’s pre-knowledge Knowledge creation activities = Any KC activities an individual involved (personally or within group environment) A1 = Received (or absorbed) knowledge from the K pool for completing K creation activities SkP1 = New knowledge to be shared during post knowledge creation activity
11 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Knowledge creation state diagram of an individual (Mihindu, 2007) Individual's KC State Diagram Internal K RAID R elaxation A bsorption I ntegration D issemination Spreading Codifying Sharing Relaxation Absorption Integration Dissemination
12 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Knowledge aggregation within individuals and the K-pool Group knowledge creation activities and knowledge aggregation (Mihindu, 2007) Pn = Person n Skn = Shared K pool of the organisation PnK = Person n’s pre- knowledge Knowledge creation activities = personally or within group environment An = Received (or absorbed) knowledge from the K pool for completing K creation activities SkPn = New knowledge to be shared during post knowledge creation activity
13 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre KA algorithm (Mihindu)
14 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Collaborative Knowledge Creation through scientific communication process (adapted from Bo-Christer Björk, 2005)
15 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Processing, Codification and Reuse model Nature Motivation Opportunity Storage Share Reuse Influence Analyse Provide Facilitate Decide Semantic index Opportunity within KMI (Mihindu)
16 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Knowledge processing, Codification and reuse model (Mihindu)
17 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Hierarchic requirements model (Mihindu)
18 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Conceptual design of the proposed system (Mihindu)
19 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Virtualisation of system server components (Mihindu, 2007)
20 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Functions of the Collaborative Knowledge Management System (Mihindu, 2006) Case study I KB repository server RBAC public private admin Tools search capture / store development import / export project mgt web access wiki knowledge categories NEWS feed
21 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Structuring Knowledge Structured Knowledge Unstructured Knowledge Open Knowledge Board KB Core Functions User friendly Tools for Knowledge Dissemination & Creation Knowledge Clusters Knowledge Clusters Knowledge Storage Knowledge Discussions Knowledge Development Knowledge Seek Knowledge Capture Knowledge Disseminate Knowledge Tag & Follow Knowledge Operations Links to external objects / sites
22 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Underlying architecture X86 duel xeon hardware Sourceforge 4.3 Linux AS 4 Postgres JBoss JEE VM Knowledge of INTUITION Knowledge clusters Knowledge operations Focus of KB: Capture Analyse Develop Reuse 1. What knowledge is valued and who are its possible uses? 2. How can it be captured & codified for sharing? 3. How can this tool facilitate knowledge analysis & creation? 4. When should we reuse and disseminate excelling innovation? Hardware & Software solution ©sourceforge
23 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre CKC Infrastructure (Mihindu) Novel approach -web container with VMs -web client with VM Future work environments for Scientific communities
24 ThinkLab 08/10/07, ThinkPod University of Salford Future Workspaces Research Centre Closure Closure Discussion / Questions? Thank you for your interest Sas Mihindu Future Workspaces Research Centre ThinkLab, 7 th Floor Maxwell Building University of Salford +44 (0)