My Academic Plan (MAP)
MAPSherpa Predictive Analytics Student Dashboard
MAP Application Student DB MAP DB Curriculum DB Project ASSIST Monthly ETL Service Layer
From: 4/27/07 to 2/23/14 Irvine Valley CollegeAssociates 12,865 Certificate 5,231 Transfer 57,209 Saddleback CollegeAssociates 32,148 Certificate 13,939 Transfer 80,258 Total: 201,650
Project Overview
Sherpa Sherpa is a recommendation engine that guides students to make informed decisions regarding courses, services, tasks and information.
Sherpa Architecture Recommendations Student Profile Trigger Nudge Transcript GPA Ed Goal Reg Activity Current Classes Status Courses Services Information Tasks Timing Event Portal News Feed Text To-Do List Mobile Feedback - RatingsFeedback - Preferences
Here is some advice for you… ? Profile Nudge
Timely Relevant Actionable Personal
Student ProfileRecommendation New student, not matriculatedLink to online orientation GPA > 3.5Link to honors program GPA < 2.0Link to tutoring program Transfer studentCourses that fulfill GE pattern Does not have academic planLink to MAP (academic planning tool) Low assessment scoresRecommend basic skills classes First time studentStep-by-step instructions Returning studentRecommend classes based on goals, success patterns and transcript details. Only display classes with an empty seat and that don’t conflict with student’s schedule
Phase One – Closed Class Assistance Assists students in finding a replacement class during registration Phase Two – Profiles and Nudges Announcements, , SMS, Voice-To-Text Phase Three – Portal Refresh Calendar, To-Do List and News Feed Phase Four – Mobile In beta release Phase Five – Predictive Analytics In development Phase Six – Student Success Dashboard Beginning in Spring 2014
Focus on Student Success
Matriculation Pilot: Probation numbers dropped 39% one month after Sherpa notification.
Predictive Analytics Student Dashboard
Student Success Dashboard Mockup