21 st Century Skills Ann Heinzen – EDT652 (WA07)
Creative thinking to solve problems Real time Whole-brain thinking
Define Discover Dream Design Deliver Debrief 21 st Century Fluency Project
In science students will learn about Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. ◦ Students will learn how each person can positively/negatively impact our environment. Students will gather information on the 3R’s from their home. The class will create a listing of recyclable materials. Students will research information on the how recycling can positively impact our environment. Students will create posters educating others on the 3 R’s
Access digital information Assess information
Ask good questions Access/Acquire the material from the appropriate digital information sources Analyze and authenticate and arrange these materials Apply the knowledge within a real world problem Assess both the product and the process 21 st Century Fluency Project
Animal research project ◦ For this project, students will have the opportunity to choose a particular animal to research. ◦ The students will utilize internet, books and magazines to gather information. ◦ Students will utilize Microsoft Word to publish their reports. ◦ When they are done, students will present their reports to the class.
Teamwork Virtual & real partners Collaboration
Students will work in groups of 3 to research information on their favorite author. Students will gather important information for presentation (internet research and books). Students will create presentations utilizing Museum Box.
Create and publish original products Look analytically to interpret real message
As part of our science curriculum students will learn about the various habitats. ◦ Students will work in groups of 3 to gather information regarding a particular habitat. ◦ For research students will utilize the internet, books and magazines. ◦ Students will create a Power Point presentation to educate their peers about their habitat.
Artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling.
Students will create a newsfeed for a particular day. ◦ Students will work in groups of 4 to create a news story. Students will research information, create scripts, backgrounds and then video their newsfeed. Students will then reflect upon the experience and the accuracy of their newsfeed.
Leadership Ethics Accountability Fiscal responsibility Environmental awareness Global citizenship Personal responsibility
Students will learn about surfing the internet safely. Librarian will introduce safe sites where students can gather information. Students will complete a SafeKids.com online safety quiz.
21st Century Fluency Project. (2011). The fluencies. Retrieved from Crockett, L., Jukes, I., & McCain, T. (2010) Understanding the digital generation: Teaching and learning in the new digital landscape. Kelowna, BC: 21 st Century Fluency Project Inc.