Communication and Computer Science Fundamentals for the Web September 26, 2006
Usable | Unusable Sites Several basic themes: Performance Purpose ~ Lazar calls this “mission” Quality and arrangement of information –Up to date, clear, complete, accurate –Navigation Layout, graphics, and colour –“Professionalism” –Images support basic mission and info Audience –Personal likes and dislikes –Not random…
References Cited Microsoft * Nielsen Norman Group * Gajbhiye Asterisk NetMechanic WebReference Ezine IBM: User-Centered Design/ Design *
Now some communication theory to inform your observations…
Functions of Communication Inform Persuade Motivate These are also Mintzberg’s functions of management…
Human Communication vs.Human- Computer Interaction (HCI) Parasocial interaction Websites = complex form of communication –Textual Model: Rhetorical model –Graphics Model: Kress and van Leeuwen –Interactivity: Sender-Receiver model Visual communication How this all ties back to usability
Parasocial Interaction (Horton & Wohl, 1956) ~ “Media equation” (Reeves & Nass, 1996) Both theories note that people treat mass media like real people and places: Develop relationships with websites Make the same kinds of judgments about attractiveness, credibility, trustworthiness Social psychology experiments rerun with computers found the same results
Nature of Websites Combine features of: Text Information Graphics Emotional Connections Function Interactivity Variety of principles developed for good writing and good programming In addition, need to recognize social bond created between reader and site –unconscious –powerful
Rhetorical Model (Aristotle) People are persuaded by texts (“arguments”) on the basis of: Logos (logical nature of the argument; reason) Ethos (character of the speaker; ethics) Pathos (emotion created in the listener) A skillful writer creates appropriate arguments based on knowledge of the audience and the “rhetorical situation”
Models of Visual Communication Perceptual limits (from experimental psych) Aesthetics Model of Visual Rhetoric (Kress & van Leeuwen) –Perspective (realistic vs. subjective image) –Vertical angle (power) –Horizontal angle (involvement) –Size of frame (social distance) –Gaze (direct vs. indirect social address) Visuals create emotional connections (or not)
Shannon-Weaver model (1949): Identifies problems of transmission and environment Sender-Receiver Model Sender Encodes Receiver Receives Decodes Assimilates Transmits a message Reacts/ provides feedback Channel
What this means… Web designer needs to be able to: Articulate goals (mission) Gain a clear understanding of potential audiences: –Primary audiences –Secondary audiences –Gatekeeper audiences –Watchdog audiences Design on the basis of the relationship desired w target population
Lazar’s User-Centred Design Life Cycle 1.Define Mission and Target Users 2.Collect User Requirements 3.Create and Modify Conceptual Design 4.Create and Modify Physical Design 5.Perform Usability Testing 6.Implement and Market Site 7.Evaluate and Improve Existing Site –Return to Stage 1
User Analysis Identify salient features of the audiences for: (Group 1) (Group 2) (Group 3) t.htm (Group 4) t.htm (Group 5) ml (Group 6) ml
User Characteristics Age Gender Purchasing power Attitude to technology Thrill-seeking behavior Interest in the environment Type of computer and connection Historical involvement with brand …
Class Notes Parasocial Communication: People make a first impression of a website within fractions of a second –First impression hard to improve –Possible to decrease credibility with a 2 nd impression Issues of appearance, trustworthiness, etc. from human communication apply to the web
Class Notes Rhetoric: “mere” Rhetoric – empty talk Rhetoric as the basis of persuasion in Western culture; different themes in Asian (especially Confucian) culture Ethos related to credibility of speaker Need to establish “common places” –Audience expectations = designer/ writer presentation –Disappointment reflects back on the relationship with the site
Class Notes Perceptual limits –5 +/- 2 items can be remembered in short- term memory –What goes into long-term memory must go into short-term memory first –Memory performance can be improved by chunking; examples: Telephone numbers Headings in papers and reports Webpages in a website
Class Notes Next class: Each group to look at its website Will have a few minutes before class to discuss findings Present short findings to class