Are good looking people more persuasive? View as slide show Adapted from
“ Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference. ” Aristotle, 350 BC In terms of spokespeople in an advertisement, was Aristotle correct? ___ No ___ Yes Click this slide for the answer. Only under some conditions. Under what conditions should the spokesperson be beautiful? Use a physically attractive spokesperson for products that enhance beauty (Principle 5.6.4) Adapted from Personal beauty 2
Evidence An analysis of 53 journal articles and 23 dissertations obtained substantial support that beauty aids persuasion in areas related to “social competence,” somewhat to so for “intellectual competence,” and not at all for “integrity and concern for other” (Eagly et al. 1991)Eagly et al. 1991
Does the candidate look competent? 31 subjects were presented with only pictures of candidates for the forthcoming U.S. Senate race in Based on one-second exposures, subjects rated how competent each candidate looked. At that time, the candidates were all unknown to them. In what % of the races did the most competent-looking candidate win? – a) less than 40 – b) – c) – d) more than 60 Click this slide for the answer. 69% (Todorov et al. 2005)Todorov et al Similar results were obtained for the 2004 U.S. House of Representatives elections, as well as for the 2000 and 2002 U.S. House and Senate elections. See Persuasive Advertising p 121 for additional evidence. Adapted from AdPrin.com4
Based on this exercise, write a small application step for yourself, and set a deadline, preferably within one week. If you are working with someone else, share your application plan and the results of your application. For example, use a competent looking spokesperson. Adapted from