Hidden Ornament offers marquee sponsors the opportunity to stay Top of Mind! It’s a high-impact high frequency, multi-media package as follows: “Hidden Ornament” Concept Starting Monday (month) (date) and ending on Friday (month) (date), (station) will encourage listeners to log onto their website to learn more about the “Hidden Ornament” Contest in (market). On Monday (month) (date), the Ornament will be hidden at a predetermined location in the city. Starting on Monday (month) (date), a new clue about the Ornament’s location will be revealed on-air at (hh:mm AM/PM). VIP listeners will be able to visit the website and access all the clues that have been revealed. The first listener to find the Ornament will be announced as the winner on-air and online. Elements of Campaign Tremendous On-Air Visibility Online Exposure on our website Placement within our E-Newsletters
“Hidden Ornament” Clues Posted Online VIP listeners log in on the website to view all clues that have been announced on air
On-Air 30 (:10 sec) on-air promos driving listeners to our website 45 (:30 sec) commercials M-F 6a-12m Online Slideshow frame with homepage and first slide placement Dedicated and customized landing page for the contest Placement within e-newsletters Promotional Value $5,000 Promotional Value $15,000 Investment: $3,500 Gift Valued at a min. of: $1,000 Investment: $1,000 Gift Valued at a min. of: $250 Title Sponsor Participating Sponsor On-Air 15 (:10 sec) on-air promos driving listeners to our website 15 (:30 sec) commercials M-F 6a-12m Online Slideshow frame with homepage and first slide placement Dedicated and customized landing page for the contest Placement within e-newsletters Sponsorship Levels Promotional Dates: (Month/Date/Year) - (Month/Date/Year) 3 weeks Signature: ______________________________Date: __________________________________