Data Management Chad A. Steed Naval Research Laboratory
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey2 Discussion Topics Survey Logs Digital Data Administration Analog Data Management Primary Computer Systems Lessons Learned
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey3 Vessel Survey Logs 3 ring binder for all survey log sheets –Bertram log and Skiff log Vessel logs contain: –Daily survey crew assignments and date –Equipment setup and breakdown times and settings. Ancillary observations recorded in vessel logs –Skiff: Digibar sound speed profiles, Bar Check –Bertram: CTD cast Logs also contain time stamp for other significant events (e.g., bumping logs, equipment problems) Survey line start and end times.
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey4 Other Logs Data Processing Log –USM1 Base Station Setup / Breakdown –Simultaneous Tide Gauge Observations –Data Processing Notes –Side Scan / Contact Processing Notes Personal Logs –Personal notebooks for temporarily recording events when the official log is not available –Significant events recorded in personal logs are eventually transferred to the official log book
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey5 Digital Data Repository Digital data repository established on the \\Hydro\HydroData network drive. The major stages of the survey are represented by sub folders. Each stage folder is further sub-divided by the type of dataset (e.g., Bertram, Skiff, Geodetics, Tides). Data mining datasets and the final products are also organized in repository Digital data repository backup to \\Coral\SANS drive after significant changes.
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey6 Vessel Digital Data Skiff data was recorded on the HYPACK Max laptop. –The HYPACK RAW files were then copied to the digital survey repository. Bertram data was recorded in ISS-60 and on EM-3000 computer. –At end of survey day a DVD was burned with Bertram data and transported to the building –The DVD was then copied to the digital survey repository and stored in the Bertram day folder.
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey7 Tides / GPS Digital Data Tides –Tide gauge data was downloaded and copied to the survey repository. –Simultaneous observations were transferred to an electronic format (Excel Spreadsheet) and archived in the repository. Geodetics –Rover receivers (Skiff, Bertram) cards were purged to the repository each survey day. –Base receiver (USM1) data card was purged to the repository each survey day.
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey8 Analog Data Management Log Binders hold all original log sheets. Vessel Day Folders –Organized by survey day –For collecting all of survey day analog (paper) records. –Skiff day folders include Knudsen paper trace (folded) and copied of survey logs –Bertram day folders include a DVD with the survey day’s MBES dataset (ISS60 and Simrad format) and CTD data files and copies of the official survey log sheets. All analog records are stored in a marked storage box in the USM Hydrographic Science Library (building 1206 Stennis Space Center).
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey9 Primary Computer Systems Bigmaus – CARIS HIPS, QTC bottom analysis, Fledermaus. HYDROWS13 – HPD 1206classroom – Contacts, SBES HIPS, Side Scan. Personal Laptops – MBES Line cleaning, HYPACK, Tides, misc. tasks Bigmaus 1206classroom HYDROWS13 Laptop
30 July 2004USM 2004 Upper Pearl Survey10 Lessons Learned Logs are invaluable tools for data processing. Hard drives are cheap and facilitate easier backup of critical datasets. Entire survey required about 300 GB for all digital data. CARIS HIPS can be used to break up line cleaning (kind of). –HIPS can reboot your laptop! Dave Dodd’s office phone is x87127 USM Hydro should consider designating a network drive that is backed up regularly and automatically. Having another high end workstation (like Bigmaus) would have made processing easier.
Preparation Activities: Skiff Line Development Rafael Ponce