Registration What to expect in the Eighth grade!
The Main Schedule Homeroom Core Classes Electives Lunch Core Classes Nine periods
Get the info correct, please. Check your name. If you recently moved please bring a proof of address to the guidance office. (current power bill, lease or purchase contract.)
Recommendations English/Language Arts- Your ELA teacher will recommend the appropriate class for you. Advanced ELA is not offered. Math- Your Math teacher has recommended you for the appropriate class based on WCPSS Math placement policy.
Math Class Recommendations There are three classes offered: Common Core Math 8 - students must have mastered most of the seventh grade curriculum. Common Core Math I - This middle school course is a compacted course comprised of a portion of the Common Core Math 8 standards and all of the Common Core Math I standards. Must have completed Common Core Math 7 Plus. If you successfully complete this course with a passing EOC score, you will receive high school credit. Your final grade will go on your high school transcripts. Common Core Math II – Must have completed Common Core Math I
Math Overrides If your parent does not agree with the recommendation, they may write the concern on the registration form. Your teacher or counselor will then discuss it with your parents. The teacher’s recommendation is what will be printed on your schedule.
If you are transferring… Please let us know if you want to transfer back to your base school or if you are moving to another state. That will let us accurately count the spaces we have available for new applicants. Plus we can get your information to the correct school.
Elective Options Year Long Core Enrichment Opportunities (CEO) – This class is a valuable tool in tailoring instruction based on the needs of the student. Your class may help with organizational/ study skills or provide you with enrichment opportunities. Band (Must have begun in sixth grade or have signed permission of band director.) Chorus - this is a yearlong elective. The Chorus performs several times during the year, both on and off campus.
Electives Semester Long Computer Skills & Applications II - The topics covered in this class include advanced word processing, spreadsheets, databases, the information processing cycle, and the ethics of technology. Students leave this course with computer skills they need for high school courses. Computer Skills & Applications III – This course is designed to provide advanced instruction on digital literacy concepts and use of software applications. Software applications include web page design, word processing, desktop publishing, presentation software, spreadsheets, and databases.
Choices, Choices…. Business and Marketing – This computer-based course explores economic systems, the nature of business, entrepreneurship, marketing, advertising, sales, finance, and accounting. While studying these areas, students are also advancing their word processing and presentation software skills. Technological Systems– This course focuses on students’ understanding how technological systems work together to solve problems and capture opportunities. This course also gives students a general background on the different types of systems, with specific concentration on the connections between these systems.
Choices, Choices…. Art – This course is designed to give students an appreciation for different styles of art through the process of art making. Drawing from life, painting and color theory, printmaking, tapestry weaving, and clay sculpture will be included as well as projects involving mixed media.
Choices, Choices Exploring Life Skills - It’s not just for girls either! Students learn life management skills to prepare them for their roles in the family and the workplace. Students learn how to manage personal resources, concepts of personal nutrition and wellness, simple food preparation, and employability skills. Drama – Students will develop specific skills that will allow them to study and create characters for the stage.
Choices, Choices Chinese - Students will gain basic knowledge about three components of Chinese language - Pinyin (letters), intonations, and characters. Students will also learn about Chinese culture in different units like Chinese food, music, traditions, holidays, famous cities, history, everyday language......" Music Exploration/Percussion -
How to rank your elective choices? Ranking goes like this: 1 - I really, really want it! Or must take. 2 - I’d really like to have it! 3 - It’s okay if I get this class. 4 - It’s okay if I get this class. 5 - It’s okay if I get this class. 6 - I don’t know what else to take.
How to Register Register online through the Lufkin Road website. Directions are provided on your blue form. If you do not have a computer or internet access, please see me. Also everyone must complete the blue registration form and return it to your teacher before the due date. Student and Parent signatures are required.
Registering Online Go to the LRMS website Move your mouse to the Guidance Center tab to see the drop down menu and Click on (Registration for 7 th and 8 th Grade) Next, click on the (registration button) under the Rising 8 th Grade Online Registration Title Then follow the directions on the form. You will select a CEO choice and 6 electives. Please rank your electives in preference order. Make sure that you print the online form for your records before you hit the submit button. If you have any questions or problems, please me or ask your teacher to meet with me during Activity Time or CEO
When to turn it in. The sooner you register online and return your blue registration form the better chance you may have for your elective choice. There are no guarantees. If you don’t turn one in, your counselor will have to pick your classes for you. Forms are Due by April 11, 2013