e-Taiwan Project Pauline Chen National Information & Communication Initiative The Executive Yuan, Chinese Taipei March 25, 2003
1 Outline 1. Background Information 2. Scope of e-Taiwan Project 3. Our Prospective 4. Conclusion
2 Time Location Agricultural Society In 1820, 70% of all jobs were related to Agriculture, In 2000, the percentage fell to1.9% only. In 1850, jobs in the fields of Management, Professional, Technical & Services accounted for 4% of all jobs. In 1900, it became 13%. In 2000, it grew to over 50%. Information Society Industrial Society In 1940, Manufacturing industry accounted for 50% of GDP, 40% of work force. In 2000, it is decreased to 15% only. ICT strength has become an essential factor in determining a country’s competitiveness. 1. Background Information samedifferent same different
3 1993 : Initiated NII (National Information Infrastructure) Guidelines 1996 : Initiated 3-Million Internet users in 3 years Project 1998 : Initiated e-Government Program 1999 : Initiated e-Business Program 2001 : Consolidated various agencies, Initiated NICI Guidelines 2002 : Initiated e-Taiwan Project Milestones of ICT Development
4 Information Society Index ranks No.10 –IDC (2001) Broadband penetration ranks No. 4 – eMarketer (2002) DSL penetration ranks No. 2 – Point-topic (2002) Internet Host ranks No. 3 – Network Wizards (2002) Mobile Phone penetration ranks No.2 worldwide –ITU(2001) Hardware production : Global Ranking #4 Low value-added products : 79% of total IT revenue Software revenue is only 7-8% of IT revenue Challenges & Opportunities of Chinese Taipei Broadband population still way behind Korea Information application among traditional industry to catch up Digital divide in remote area and under-privileged to be bridged up if not totally eliminated More enterprises to be brought online Facing the challenge of global knowledge based economy, out-moving business and decreasing total revenue. IT industry needs to invest in information technology, strengthen R&D capability and upgrade with knowledge based economy to stay competitive. Opportunities Challenges
5 2. Scope of e-Taiwan Project
6 Import Substitution Policy Knowledge Based Economy Custom Protection Import Control Export Industrial Park Ten Infrastructure Projects Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park Ten Emerging Industry ManufacturingVenture CapitalR & D GDP 10 5 Trillion e -Government e -Infrastructure e -Industry e-Taiwan Project Mission e-Taiwan Project Mission Export Expansion / Heavy Industrialization Policy High-Tech Policy e -Taiwan e -Taiwan Project Current Economy Challenges Knowledge Based Economy Slowing Economy Growth Changing Industry Structure NII Projects Industrial Society Information Society Internet Usage WEF/NRI e -Society 13 5 e -Transportation
7 按一下以編輯母片標題樣式 Knowledge Based Economy GII NII GII Advanced Telecomm technology e-Society Information-rich Society e-Government EffectiveGovernmentCompetitiveIndustry High-Tech Service Island e-Taiwan e -Transportation IntelligentTransportation e-Taiwan Project Vision Green Silicon Island Infrastructure e-Business One-Shop services to its citizen Best supports to its industry to stay competitive Best information available to its citizen Best transporta- tion services to its citizen Broadband to every family
8 按一下以編輯母片標題樣式 Internet PSTN Next Gen. Network Wireless Enhance security system Internet Legislation Facilitate government support Wire line Security Operation Center Infrastructure Infrastructure Broadband to every family Broadband to every family Install Next-G Broadband network demonstration system & applications Advance IT application capability Tele-comm Deregulation Tele-comm Deregulation Support mechanism mechanism Network Security (Hacker detection,,IPSec, SSL,Virus prevention, Firewall System security Access management, Project management, Process management Data security Encryption/Decryption, Watermark,Storage, Redundancy
9 按一下以編輯母片標題樣式 One-shop Service Electric document/ video conference national land info system hazard mitigation info system national archive info system hazard mitigation network land protection network security system Government Office Single Entry Government Office Service On-line Information publicized Government Information IP Medicare Traffic Enterprise Commerce Household Land Tax Government Service On-line enterprise public provide e-service improve service quality assist IT industry 24-hour service common platform eliminate redundency Inter-office doc. exchange Video conference inter-office data sharing document flow automation improve meeting efficiency e-Government
10 按一下以編輯母片標題樣式 International Cooperation centralize e-Market portal develop various e-Standard join international supplier chain Supply Chain Management implement quick response system consolidate international supplier information build supplier chain system Support & Services effect monetary system strengthen customer support assist service industry Industry online(26 60%) e-Commerce (1.5 15%) of GDP e-Service(total revenue NT$ trillion) cultivate R&D groups coordinate design effort develop IP Mall R & D e-Industry e-Industry Make Taiwan the center of value- added manufacturing and service
11e-Transportatione-Transportation ITS Platform & System Traffic Safety System GPS Smart Bus & IC Card Transportation Service Network Intelligent Traffic Control
12 按一下以編輯母片標題樣式 Culture online establish national archive system capitalize social, cultural, industrial & economic development. e-Learning accomplish personalized Chinese learning network use e-learning to realize information-rich society become e-learning super power in the world Digital divide focus on IT related education for the under-privileged install network facility in remote area improve the life and justice for all To realize a society - rich in knowledge, culture, entertainment and learning opportunity to ALL e-Entertainment build e-Entertainment environment advance digital entertainment quality increase international competitiveness ezLife (e-legant Society) ezLife (e-legant Society)
13 e-Industryez-Lifee-Government e-Transportation e-Generation TalentCultivation CultureIndustryDevelopment InternationalHigh-Tech R&D Base NationalBackboneOverhaul DoubleTouristVolumeIndustryProductionOptimization InternationalBusiness Operation HQ e-Taiwan Water & Green Land Revitalization e-Taiwan & Challenge 2008 Hometown & Community Development Infrastructure
14 3. Our Prospective
15 Major e-Index Measurement National Economy Competitiveness e-Governmente-Businesse-Society Connectivity Enterprise Readiness e-Business Environment Legislation Innovation & Creativity Support of Supply Chain e- Leadership Government Service On-line Document Exchange On-line Information Exchange On-line PC Population Social & Cultural Infrastructure Internet Infrastructure Communication Infrastructure IMD & WEF Source : MOEA Internet Research Plan / III ECRC-FIND arranged from EIU, IDC 及 WMRC. Information Capability
16 Goals of E-Readiness
17 Internet users reach 50% of population broadband users reach 35% of population overall country bandwidth reach 1,150Gbps undersea cable bandwidth reach 250Gbps #5 Internet Usage (WEF/NRI) #5 e-Government (WEF/NRI) #12 e-Industry Readiness bring 600 services online G2B2C document exchange rate up by 55% in 5 years satisfaction level reaches 75% create 20,000 jobs total e-Service revenue NT$300 trillion industry online 60% e-Commerce is 15% of GDP Predicted Benefits Public Services Economy IT Application Infrastructure
18 4. Conclusion e-Taiwan project is a great opportunity to software vendors and service providers in a variety of projects. e-Taiwan project will perfect the government services, advance industry competitiveness, realize the information-rich society and prepare Chinese Taipei for knowledge based economy. In the end, it will transform Chinese Taipei into an optimal high-tech service island, and the e-Leader in Asia. e-Taiwan project is the key to the complete success of 「 Challenge 2008 」 the Six-year National Development Plan.
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