Hindu Mythology World’s Oldest (& 3 rd most-popular) Religion
Vedas & Upanishads
Ganges River
Brahman: Absolute Truth
Shiva: Destroyer
Vishnu: Preserver
Brahma: Creator
Sarasvati: Brahma’s Consort
Lakshmi: Vishnu’s Consort
Parvati: Shiva’s Consort
Vidya: Unitary Thought
Atman: Life Source in all Things
4 Classes of Ancient India Brahmin (Priests) Kshatriya (Noble Warriors) Vaishya (Traders & Farmers) Shudra (servants)
Earth’s Creation
Samsara: Eternal Cycle of Birth, Death & Re-birth
Karma: Cause of a Particular Destiny
Moksha: Becoming one with Brahma; and end to Samsara
4 Goals in Human Life Moksha Dharma (Code for Leading Life) Artha: Pursuit of Material for by Lawful Means Karma
The Golden Age of India Dasa-ratha: the ideal king in the ideal city Rama: the ideal prince Sita: the ideal wife
Moral Epic: Good vs. Evil
Iliad Connection
Odyssey Connection