Work Experience Monday 4th July To Friday 15th July 2011
Work Experience - partnership Student School – Work Related Learning Coordinator, Mrs Godfrey NWES Supported by: Parent/s / Carers School – tutor, Head of Year, teachers Friends and family
Anywhere that has the right insurance and that you can arrange your own transport to That could be down the road in Snettisham or Kings Lynn or Burnham Market or Fakenham Or staying with Aunty May and Uncle Bob in Manchester or Swindon or London.... Where am I allowed to go? Remember this is the opportunity for a whole new experience
Where am I NOT allowed to go? Anywhere that has not got insurance To work with your parents To the place where you work part- time at weekends or in the holidays Anywhere that you could not make your own travel arrangements to Remember this is the opportunity for a whole new experience
What do I do first? Decide on the type of work you would like to experience Find employers you would like to ask Complete a work placement preference formpreference form Return the parent/carer consent formconsent form School will approve your placement choice. You can then write a letter and it will be sent off by the school together with a self-generated placement formself-generated placement form
What do I do when I have been offered a place? Bring the letter and completed self- generated form into school and hand in to your form tutor We send this form to NWES who check the placement for Health and Safety and insurance.
What next? Thursday 30 th SeptPreference forms, Consent forms and parent guide issued by form tutors Thursday 7 th OctPreference Forms and Consent forms returned, Tuesday 12 th OctChoices approved, forms returned to students. Letters written. Self generated form completed Friday 15th OctLetters for employers completed by students, handed to form tutors