Method zAs an Editor or Reviewer, I first read the Method section. If the methods are flawed, I don’t waste my time reading the rest of the manuscript. zThe Method section should tell the reader what you did and how you did it. zIt should include enough detail to allow readers to replicate the study.
Method zReaders should have a feel for what it was like to be a participant in the study. zA good design should rule out alternative explanations for findings. zLike a good map, the Method section should show a clear connection between theory and findings. zUse plain English, not technical jargon. Reis (2000)
Subsections of Method Section zParticipants zDesign (optional) zApparatus / Materials (optional) zProcedure
Participants zIn cover letter must say that they were treated in accordance with APA ethical principles zUse the term “participants” rather than “subjects” zReport the number of participants zReport if any participants were discarded, and why. Bem (2003)
GroupStayed inDropped out Can do a Fisher’s exact test to see if the drop out rate differed across groups.
Participants zDemographics ySex yAge yEthnicity ySexual orientation zChildren yMust have parental consent yReport % of parents consenting Bem (2003)
Participants zMotivation yCourse requirement? yExtra credit? yPay? yNo pay - just volunteered?
Subsections of Method Section zDesign (optional) zParticipants
Design (optional) zOften useful for a factorial design yUse standard notation: A (a1, a2) X B (b1, b2) X C (c1, c2) ySpecify between- and within- subjects factors xUse “between-subjects” rather than “between-participants” Bem (2003)
Subsections of Method Section zParticipants zDesign (optional) zApparatus / Materials (optional)
Apparatus / Materials (optional) zUse Apparatus / Materials section if it makes prose smoother zDescribed complicated equipment zScales (e.g., personality traits) yReliability yValidity yIf mailed, give return rate Bem (2003)
Subsections of Method Section zParticipants zDesign (optional) zApparatus / Materials (optional) zProcedure
Procedure zGive the reader a feel for what it was like to be a participant in the study. zLead the reader by the hand through the procedure from the beginning to the end. zInclude (or paraphrase) instructions to participants. Use exact instructions for experimental manipulations. Bem (2003)
Procedure zDescribe randomization, counterbalancing, and other control features of the design. zName all groups, variables, and operations yAvoid empty labels (e.g., Group 1) yAvoid acronyms and abbreviations yUse operational labels (rather than conceptual labels) Bem (2003)
Procedure zDiscuss any ethical procedures yDebriefing yConfusion ySuspicion zAppendices can include new scales or measures, photos of stimuli, etc. Bem (2003)