RF Tracker Update April 2008
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring RF Monitoring Update –RF Tracker was opened for data entry on October 23, –An October 23, 2007, To the Administrator Addressed letter related to RF Tracker reporting was posted to the TEA website at –A March 31, 2008, To the Administrator Addressed letter related to RF Tracker reporting was posted to the TEA website at –A Helpful Hints document is posted to the RF Monitoring page of the PMI website, and a revised Guidance Document was posted with the March 31, 2008 letter.
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) RF Monitoring Update (continued) –TEA continues to follow up on LEA implementation of CAPs to evaluate progress and make determinations regarding whether additional interventions/enforcement activities/sanctions are needed as referenced in the consent decree. –The beginning of the six month timeline related to implementation of enforcement activities under the consent decree has been reached for some LEAs and continues to approach for others.
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) RF Monitoring Update (continued) –Under terms of the consent decree, TEA is required to conduct corrective action review (CAR) visits to a certain number of LEAs that received on-site RF visits the previous year. –The CAR visits have begun and are to be completed this spring. –A guidance document related to CAR visits has been posted to the RF monitoring homepage at:
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) RF Tracker end-of-year snapshot (as-of) date is May 23, All RF students enrolled in the LEA on or before the as-of date must be entered by the LEA in RF Tracker. LEA completion deadline for RF Tracker data entry is June 2, 2008.
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) March 31, 2008, RF Tracker correspondence also addressed RF Tracker funding proposal. RF Tracker funding request form has been posted to the RF Monitoring website. Deadline for LEA submission of funding request form to ESCs is June 2, Deadline for ESCs to forward all regional forms to the TEA along with an ESC coversheet: June 9, TEA will review LEA requests and communicate status to ESCs (anticipated by late June/early July).
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) –Funds to flow to ESCs after LEA requests submitted and reviewed by TEA –System still proposed to follow a graduated funding scale over next several years – amount was reflected in March 31 st RF Tracker correspondence
Year Maximum State-Level Allocation Maximum LEA Request per Student Entered Minimum LEA Reimbursemen t Request $500,000$40$ $360,000$30$ $250,000$20$ $200,000$10$240 RF Tracker Funding
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) RF Training on TETN (Revisited) –First TETN: March 26, 2008, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. –Topic: Surrogate and Foster Parents –Participants: ESCs and RF Districts –Format: Presentation followed by Q&A –Follow-up: Questions can be sent by after TETN sessions and will be compiled in an FAQ document
Other Oversight Activities: RF Monitoring (continued) RF Training on TETN (Continued) –Next TETN: April 21, 2008, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. –Topic: Least Restrictive Environment –Participants: ESCs and RF Districts –Format: Presentation followed by Q&A –Follow-up: Questions can be sent by after TETN sessions and will be compiled in an FAQ document