University of Missouri Office of Academic Affairs eMINTS Parent Information Meeting eMINTS Validation Project 2011
What does eMINTS stand for? enhancing Missouri’s Instructional Networked Teaching Strategies ◊ eMINTS classrooms – more than half of Missouri’s school districts ◊ Also in Arkansas, Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, and Utah. ◊ eMINTS is even in Australia
What is the research about? ◊ Teaching and learning for 7 th and 8 th grade students ◊ Mathematics and communication arts ◊ 21 st Century Skills ◊ Student and teacher attitudes about school and learning
eMINTS Technology ◊ eMINTS classrooms include: ◊ An interactive SMART Board and projector ◊ Digital camera ◊ Access to printer and scanner ◊ Laptop for the teacher ◊ Laptop for every 7 th and 8 th grade student ◊ Software
eMINTS Teacher Training ◊ eMINTS teacher training lasts two years and requires many extra hours of work ◊ Third year of training for teachers in some schools in the project.
How eMINTS is Different ◊ eMINTS classrooms are often very different from traditional classrooms. ◊ Students work in groups on different projects about real-world problems that teach them to use the Internet and do other types of research. ◊ Student assignments use technology to make PowerPoint presentations, movies, and podcasts. ◊ Library and textbooks are used in eMINTS classrooms.
Parent Consent ◊ Parents must give permission for students’ data to be used in the research. ◊ You may change your mind at any time. ◊ There is no penalty for not taking part in the research or withdrawing. ◊ We hope that as many students as possible will be allowed to take part in the research.
Student Agreement ◊ Students will learn about eMINTS and the project. ◊ Students will also be asked to sign a letter of agreement to participate. ◊ No penalties if students decide not to participate or change their minds at a later date.
Questions ◊ Are there any questions about eMINTS or about the research project? ◊ We deeply appreciate your willingness to help us with this project. ◊ We will learn even more about how to improve education through eMINTS and it will be stronger because of your help.