Kathleen Ludewig Omollo University of Michigan - Open.Michigan Initiative University of Michigan, School of Information, Social Justice Series Download slides: Except where otherwise noted, this work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Copyright The Regents of the University of Michigan. 1 Open Education as an Enabler for Collaboration, Flexibility, and Global Visibility
Image CC:BY-NC-SA 350.org (Flickr)Flickr 2 2 Context: Health Disparities Context: Increased demand for education 2
Image CC:BY-NC-SA Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology When you look in textbooks it’s difficult to find African cases. [S]ometimes it can be confusing when you see something that you see on white skin so nicely and very easy to pick up, but on the dark skin it has a different manifestation that may be difficult to see. Professor at Partner Institution in Ghana 3 3 Context: Health Disparities Context: Lack of relevant materials 3
Context: Health Disparities 4 Source: World Health Organization. Working Together for Health: The World Health Report WHO Publications: Geneva Context for Global Activities: Disparities 4
Image CC:BY-NC University of Ghana 5 5 Context: Health Disparities Context for Global Activities: Limited space and instructors available 5
Any educational resources that are: 1.Free to access 1.Publicly available 2.Shared under some licenses to use, adapt, redistribute Open Educational Resources (OER) 6
Vision of open education Image CC:BY Sherrie Thai (Flickr)Flickr circulate new ideas develop new skills foster collaboration and innovation 7
Image CC:BY OpenCage (Wikimedia Commons)Wikimedia Commons Open licenses signal intent 8
Image CC:BY Orin Zebest (Flickr)Flickr All rights reserved limits use, automatically 9
Open licenses mean some rights reserved Image CC:BY-SA opensourceway (Flickr)Flickr Learn more at open.umich.edu/share/license 10
All Rights Reserved (default) 11 “All rights reserved” is the default. 11
Option: Creative Commons (two C’s instead of 1 C) ( 12 “Some rights reserved” is an alternative. 12
What is a license? Licenses let people know how they may use a copyrighted work. Image CC:BY-SA lumaxart (Flickr)Flickr 13
Image CC:BY Paul Albertella (Flickr)Flickr With open licenses, you can build, legally. 14
Image CC:BY-NC-SA Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology It can be difficult to find relevant materials. When you look in textbooks it’s difficult to find African cases. [S]ometimes it can be confusing when you see something that you see on white skin so nicely and very easy to pick up, but on the dark skin it has a different manifestation that may be difficult to see. Professor at Partner Institution in Ghana 15
16 Caesarean Section OER Module, CC BY-NC University of Ghana and Dr. N. Cary Engleberg. Flexibility of Content Image CC:BY NC University of Ghana and Cary Engleberg 16
17 Caesarean Section OER Module, CC BY-NC University of Ghana and Dr. N. Cary Engleberg. Flexibility of Content Image CC:BY NC St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medial College (Ethiopia), University of Ghana, Cary Engleberg (placeholder to Lia) 17
Distribute Content 18
High technology cost Limited technology availability (equipment, understaffed dept.) Unpredictable infrastructure noii’s, flickrflickr lydia_shiningbrightly, flickrflickr Distribute Content 19
provide a local wireless network … provide content via web browser … provide content via file or app server … do this with or without the Internet … do it with or without an electrical outlet … do all of this for <=$200 … 20 Raspberry Pi Model B Distribute Content 20
High Visibility 21
High Visibility 22 Inclusion in first page of search results
Recognition 23
Recognition 24 CC BY, s.org/29/interview- with-obgyns-dr- caren-stalburg- mooc-creator- reflects-on-lessons- learned/
Translation 25
Search Indexing 26 Inclusion in first page of search results
Quality / Peer Review 27
Illustration is All Rights Reserved Susan E. Haviland, From the article: Minds on Fire, by John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler, 2008, at learning-20. The text of this article is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. learning Active learner engagement 28
Illustration is All Rights Reserved Susan E. Haviland, From the article: Minds on Fire, by John Seely Brown and Richard P. Adler, 2008, at learning-20. The text of this article is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. learning Active learner engagement 29
“We have limited resources but because of the Internet, we can share. The South has diseases [the Global North] knows nothing about. Our materials are relevant to us and in the North.” Professor at Partner Institution in South Africa Exchange of knowledge 30 Image Public Domain by kuba (OpenClipArt)OpenClipArt Learn more: ahon-remixeshttp://openmi.ch/blog- ahon-remixes
31 Scalability: Health OER Network,
Scalability: Health OER Network,
Cost Savings 33 Slide from:
Cost Savings 34 Slide from:
Takeaway: Many resources available to you Image CC:BY-SA opensourceway (Flickr)Flickr Millions of open resources available Adaptation, translation, curation for new contexts and delivery methods 35
Use open licenses to use, exchange, remix educational materials legally and globally. Amplify the visibility and impact of your work – while keeping copyright and attribution. Key: What you create is relevant to others Image CC:BY Alan Cleaver (Flickr)Flickr 36
For more info: open.umich.edu Download slides: Presentation by Kathleen Ludewig Omollo. Copyright The Regents of the University of Michigan. Except where otherwise noted, this work is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Engage 37
Questions and Feedback? 38