LLP Grundtvig learning partnership project ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen= Flourishing Future Society
Project partnership Soros International House, LT – coordinator EuroEd Foundation, Ro Pressure Line V.O.F., NL Smashing Times Theatre Company, IE Instituto de Formacion y Studios Sociales IFES - ES KuTu Ltd, BL
Main goal of the project Project aims to reach active community members who want, can and have what to say, are ready to take actions on issues they care about and through their activities inspire other members of the local community to act
Project would define an active citizen analyze the concept of citizenship seek to define a principle, an attitude, that could make a difference in the world explore conditions that stimulate citizenship
The stimulus for such a project Low interest in activities within the community Low level of manifestation of voluntarism Lack of knowledge in how to get involved in active citizenship on a global level and within a community Weak civic responsibility
Project objectives raise awareness that any kind of the manifestation of active citizenship can lead towards improvement of the life of the society, show that volunteering either on a global or community level contributes to personal development and to learning skills and competencies, that people involved in civic actions benefit themselves, motivate people to participate in civic actions invoking a variety of art forms in order to increase their civic responsibility
Target groups civic activists of local communities volunteers active senior citizens artists, who are active citizens
Approach Analyze good practices on how to run an effective civic action taking into account the comments from the consultations with the target groups run trainings based on the analysis of good practices, and experience of civic activists, members from voluntary organizations run face to face meetings for the most active and motivated training learners will be organized to share competences gained and preparation for local civic actions collect feedback from the local communities and reflect on the successful practical realization of trainings organize online forum discussions for target group members for sharing knowledge and experience gained select the most successful civic actions for presenting during the final conference
Outputs Methodologies on how to organize effective civic actions in the local communities and make them more convincing and attractive by using various forms of art and volunteer work manifestations