Understanding Our Times and Knowing What to Do 1 Chron “And the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do…” Cf. Lk
Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture “Secular Society” (“Post-Christian Society”): Worldly, earthly, profane, non-religious, unspiritual.
Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture Reconstructing history to appear more secular Alexis de Tocqueville: “I think I can see the whole destiny of America contained in the first Puritan who landed on those shores”
Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture 1990s -- Homosexual “marriage” accepted Redefining “family”: 1960’s -- Free love; easy divorce 1970’s -- Teenage pregnancy lost its stigma Single parent households… …in 1960 = 9.1% of homes with children …in 1991 = 28.6% (17 million kids) (In inner cities = Over 50%) 1980s – Single-motherhood acclaimed as good
Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture When marriage means everything, it no longer means anything.
Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture Not “freedom of religion”, but “freedom from religion”
Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
Radical Individualism Autonomous man answers only to himself Detachment from authority Unconcern for the common good Freedom to determine your own mores; to live as you personally see fit. Tendency to isolate yourself from community and withdraw into your own little circle of family, friends and work
Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture Postmodernism: Truth is relative and can never be known. Modernism: Truth can be known through reason and rational thinking.
Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture “If you ask what is the good of education, the answer is easy – that education makes good men, and that good men act nobly” (Plato)
Religious Pluralism Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture “Mix and match religion”
The Devaluing of Human Life Religious Pluralism Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
3. A lack of compassion; a callous contempt for life. The Devaluing of Human Life Signs of a Culture in Decline Clinical abortion, euthanasia, in vitro fertilization, cloning, embryonic stem cell research Several issues: 1. Self-interest and personal autonomy the ultimate virtue. 2. Who is the creator of life?
Hedonism and the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure The Devaluing of Human Life Religious Pluralism Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
Increasing Prosperity and Education -- Cf. 1 Cor Hedonism and the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure The Devaluing of Human Life Religious Pluralism Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture
Increasing Prosperity and Education -- Cf. 1 Cor Hedonism and the Endless Pursuit of Pleasure The Devaluing of Human Life Religious Pluralism Value-neutral Education Postmodernism and Moral Relativism Radical Individualism Acceptance of Immoral Leaders Hostility Toward Christianity Attack on the Institution of Marriage Breakdown of the Family Biblical Illiteracy Historical Revision of our Heritage Signs of a Culture in Decline Increasing Secularization of our Culture