Discovering Our Purpose The Role of the Husband in Marriage
The husband is the head of his wife. n Both testaments affirm the fact of man's headship. n “Dominion” is a position that we all have in relation to others. n Biblical dominion is not only the right to lead those “under your authority” but also the responsibility to care for those “under your authority”.
Other areas of Biblical dominion n Mankind over creation n Government over citizens n Parents over children n Jesus over Christians n Elders over local churches
The purpose of this headship is to secure the well-being of the wife as well as the husband. n The man's headship is based on the analogy of what Christ does for the church. n When a man models his “headship” after Christ he seeks the well-being and salvation of his wife (& family).
This headship is exercised through love and giving. n The man’s “right to rule” is inseparably tied to his obligation to love his wife. –In love, the husband “nourishes” his wife –In love, the husband “cherishes” his wife
Has the fact that you are Christian made a difference in the kind of husband you are? Does your loving leadership cause your wife to respect you and follow you?