Amir Bishara and Dorin Danial Supervisors: Roiy Zysman Dr. Ilana David
Goals Background and Motivation Development stages Design Layers classes Backup modules Console Application Testing We Learned Accomplishments Improvements
Web2.0 services are widely used to store data. The services may experience downtimes, accounts may be hacked or data is simply deleted. This creates a need for backup.
1. Defining project goals. 2. Defining the system requirements. 3. Writing use cases. 4. Defining classes and class diagrams. 5. Drawing UML diagrams. 6. Implementing the system. 7. Testing.
To create a simple, automatic, multi-service backup web application. Design the system with the ability to add more services in the future without changing it.
Registering new users. confirmation. Password encryption. Login user to the system. Forgotten password: Send . Secret question and answer. Updating user’s information. Password confirmation. Support admin user Deleting users. User search. Change users details. Showing statistics. Adding a new service. Backing up different services: RSS, username-password based. Displaying the backed up and trashed data. Automatic update. Stop automatic update. Allow manual update. Automatic database maintenance Trash can. Deletion of unconfirmed users Manage user’s allowed disk quota. Adding support for additional service types as plug-in.
Separation to layers forms Modularity The ability to change an implementation of a layer without effecting the other layers Easier maintainability reuse Better control of the system Separate responsibilities Interface is needed to implement the plug-in mechanism
Database Tables with relationships that save all the data. Data Access Layer Is used to transfer data between the BL layer and the Database. Business Logic Layer Performs all the logic operations of the system. Graphical User Interface Is used for user – system communication.
Users Contains users and their personal details ServiceTypes Supported services and their types URL Backed up accounts and URLs Related to Users through user_id ServiceTypes through service_id DATA The backed up data Related to Users through user_id ServiceTypes through service_id URL through url_id
Automatically generated by sqlmetal as partial classes Use special syntax Interface function to BLL were written in a different file Table relations are mapped to class relations using the XML mapping file (also generated by sqlmetal) Access to database using Database class only Connection class used for easier connection and code reuse
User Represents a user in the system. Implements all user-related functions. Is the connection to the Users class in the DAL. Admin Implements admin-related functions. Database_BL Is the connection to the URL, DATA, ServiceTypes classes in the DAL. Could also be implemented in three separate classes.
Aspx pages contain.NET components (buttons, textfields, etc.) which activate an event. The events call methods from the code- behind files. All code is run on the server, returning only HTML code to the user’s browser.
Are separated from the BLL to enable adding support for additional services without changing the system. Backup interface Between the system and 3 rd party developers Backup classes Each class does a backup for a specific service type. Developed independently of the system. BackUpManager Handles the backups and updates Calls the backup classes Retrieves data from the database (using BLL) Performs trash can actions
ServiceInfo Account details needed for the 3 rd party developrs. Update Functions for the 3 rd party developers to save the information and additional data needed for the system UpdateInfo 3 rd party developrers fill this informatin BackUpClass Implemented (inherited) by the 3 rd party developers.
UpdateInfo The information that the backup class saves in the system Update Contains the additional necessary information to store the update in the Data table (user_id, service_id, url_id) Service functions to the backup class SaveUpdate – stores update in the database GetLastUpdate – returns last update of the account MakeLastFalse – changes lastupdate field in the table ServiceInfo Contains the information needed by the backup class (URL, Username, Password) Also containes Update class Is sent to the backup class in the constructor Backup class Abstract Does the backup Two methods CheckDetails – check if account details are correct GetDataFromService – backs up the data
Connect to the remote service for backup Are placed and loaded from a pre-defined folder RSS Backs up RSS services Relies of RSS format for backup Gmail Backs up Gmail account Connects using POP3 protocol and SSL
Loads and calls the backup classes Only class that handles backup and backed up information Retrieves and deletes updates from the database Is used by the console application for the updates
Jobs: Automatic update. Trash can.
Is scheduled to run in a desired frequency. In each iteration Actions are preformed on a constant number of users. Services updates are made. Deletes users that haven’t been confirmed within a week. Deletes services and data that have been in trash can for a week. Log files are created. It goes over the user list of the database in a cyclic way.
3 rd party developers Download BackUpInterface.dll Implement class Create.dll for the class Download website page template Change template according to need Send dll and webpage files webSave admin Place backup dll file in dll folder Place webpage file in webpage folder Login to website and add new service type
Can be done automatically using testing projects Not suitable with void-returning functions Was done manually
Designing and developing a large software system Object Oriented Programming Web application and the layers separation Working with the.NET framework and Visual Studio C# LINQ Relational databases XML
All project requirements were met Two service types were developed Project book and user manual were written
Change database tables to support more users Better, more service specific, back up classes using service API. Better GUI.