The Persian Empire
The Persians Unlike the Assyrians using force to control their empire, the Persians used tolerance and diplomacy to create one of the most powerful empires up to that point in history.
Cyrus the Great In 550 B.C., Persia’s king Cyrus began conquering neighboring kingdoms. Military Genius Empire spanned 2,000 miles Kindness toward conquered people Prevented looting and burning Honored local customs and religions Allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem Killed in battle with nomadic invaders
Persian Rule After Cyrus’s death, his son Cambyses took control and expanded the empire to Egypt. Unlike his father, he ruled harshly and ordered Egyptian gods burned. He died and rebellions broke out across the empire.
Persian Rule Darius, one of the king’s bodyguards, took the crown and put down revolts. He then organized the administration before conquering land in Egypt, Anatolia, and part of India.
Provinces Darius was gifted in public administration. Due to size, he divided the empire into 20 provinces. The people of each province were allowed to practice their own religion, speak their own language, and even follow some of their own laws.
Satrap Though he was tolerant, Darius still had absolute power. To enforce his power, in each province a governor, called a Satrap, was installed to rule locally. Darius also put a military leader and tax collector in each province. To ensure loyalty of officials, Darius sent out inspectors known as the “King’s Eyes and Ears.”
Roads Darius used a system of roads to allow quick communication between distant parts of the empire. The Royal Road ran a distance of 1,677 miles from Susa in Persia to Anatolia.
Coinage Borrowing ideas from other nations, Darius manufactured metal coins to serve as a standard value circulating throughout the extended empire. Instead of weighing and measuring gold and silver to pay for items, they were able to use a standard value of coins. This promoted trade throughout the empire and helped hold it together.
Zoroastrianism A Persian prophet named Zoroaster taught the earth is battleground where a great struggle is fought between the spirit of good and the spirit of evil. Monotheistic- belief in one God Ahura Mazda.
Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazda will judge everyone according to how well he or she fought in the battle for good. Traces of this religion are found in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Satan, angels, demons).
Questions How did Cyrus treat the peoples he conquered? What methods and tools did Darius use to hold together his empire? What did Zoroaster teach? Which of the differences between Cyrus and Darius do you consider most important? Why?