August E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING AND C OMPUTER S CIENCES U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Berkeley EECS Instructional computing services Kevin Mullally, Manager Instructional Support Group (ISG) EECS Instructional Support Group
August 2012EECS Instructional Support Group2 E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING AND C OMPUTER S CIENCES U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Berkeley How many accounts do I have? CalNet ID: used campus wide EECS funded account: for research computers EECS instructional account: for instructional computers
3 E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING AND C OMPUTER S CIENCES U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Berkeley Instructional computer accounts ‘class’ accounts‘named’ accounts For access to Instructional computers, WEB sites, printers. Two types: named accounts: login names are personalized (bbking, rcrumb, etc) default account used for many classes for all EECS majors (ugrad & grad) as long as enrolled for non-EECS majors while they are in an EECS class get one on-line ( class accounts: login names are generic (cs61a-xx, ee40-yy, etc) for classes that need special features expire at the end of the semester; login names are reused get one from the instructor in class
August 2012EECS Instructional Support Group4 E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING AND C OMPUTER S CIENCES U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Berkeley EECS Instructional computers login: Solaris, Linux, Windows WEB (course sites) SVN Hadoop cluster Cory: 105, 111,125, 140, 199, 204, 218, 353 Soda: 271, 273, 275, 275, 330, 349 SDH: 200, 200A 200 Windows 200 UNIX (Solaris, Linux, MacOSX) 7 device labs Cardkey access: Automatic (with Cal1 card)
August E LECTRICAL E NGINEERING AND C OMPUTER S CIENCES U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA Berkeley more information: EECS Instructional computing services Kevin Mullally, Manager Instructional Support Group (ISG) EECS Instructional Support Group