A Dialogue Restoring Hope for Discouraged & Disconnected Youth Maple Lawn Corporate Center | West Market Place, Suite M | Fulton, Maryland | (301) p | (301) f |
KRA celebrating 32 years as a national workforce leader Services include: One-Stop Career Center Operations WIA Adult/Dislocated Worker Services WIA Youth Services TANF Employment Services Providing services in 9 metro areas
MISSION To Develop Workers and Strengthen Communities
The Statistics National 14% unemployment rate, twice the national average 44% of recent college can't find jobs in their field of study Over 5 million disconnected from school and work $93 billion annually in lost revenues Only 38% of Adults, age 25 & older have an AA degree By 2020 two-thirds of jobs will require at least an AA degree U.S. will fall short 5 million workers with postsecondary education
The Statistics
What’s the Story Behind the Numbers?
Restoring Hope WIOA – Catalyst for Change Customer Centered Service Strategies Competent & Passionate Staff Creating Career Pathways Business Engagement Advocating for Change
Restoring Hope 75% expenditures on out-of-school youth More emphasis placed on career pathways, linked learning, work experience and OJTs Dual enrollments for young adults to receive ITAs and the ability to do cohort training with community colleges Serving as the intermediary to more effectively coordinate services among partnerships
Restoring Hope What are you already doing to bring hope back to the young people in your community? What are the top 3-4 strategies that you believe we need to implement to have a greater impact? What do you commit to do to bring about change?