Do Now 1/6 Reminders - Answer all questions independently - Write in Complete Sentences - Have the date - Collected on Friday, no exceptions - 2 pts./day 1.What is the definition of geographic features? The definition of geographic features is... 2.What are five examples of geographic features? Five examples of geographic features are... 3.What is the definition of economic features? 4.What are five examples of economic features? 5.Explain the North’s geography, economy, transportation, and society back in the early 1800s. The North’s geography is... In the early 1800s the North’s economy was... 6.Explain the South’s geography, economy, transportation, and society back in the early 1800s.
Do Now 1/6 1.The definition of geographic features is of or pertaining to geography; natural features of the earth 2.Five examples of geographic features are landforms, bodies of water, climate/weather, land uses. 3.The definition of economic features is of, or pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth and goods 4.Five examples of economic features are trade, industries/businesses, stock market, money, SLAVERY 5.The North’s geography is... In the early 1800s the North’s economy was... 6.The South’s geography is... In the early 1800s the South’s economy was... 7.When you hear “Underground Railroad”, what do you think of? What do you already know about it? When I hear “Underground Railroad” I think of... (what is it, people, places, why it happened).
Do Now 1/9 Reminders - Answer all questions independently - Write in Complete Sentences - Have the date - Collected on Friday, no exceptions - 2 pts./day 1.What is the definition of compromise? The definition of compromise is... 2.What is an example of a compromise? An example of a compromise is... 3.What is the definition of abolitionist? 4.Who is an example of an abolitionist? 5.What is the definition of secession? 6.What is the main example of secession during the U.S. Civil War?
Do Now 1/9 1. The definition of compromise is An example of a compromise is... 3.The definition of an abolitionist is... 4.An example of an abolitionist is... 5.The definition of secession is... 6.The main example of secession during the U.S. Civil War was when...
1.Which compromise does this map represent? (Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 or Kansas-Nebraska Act?) 2.What does the color blue/green (the first color on the key) represent on the map? The color blue/green represents _____________ on the map. 3.What does the color orange represent on the map? 4.What does the color green represent on the map? 5.What does the color pink represent on the map? Do Now 1/10
Missouri Compromise of 1820 Nat Turner’s Rebellion – 1831 Underground Railroad? Sectionalism Compromise of 1850 Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin – 1851 Kansas-Nebraska Act – 1854 Bleeding Kansas Union v. Confederacy Election of 1860 SECESSION!!! Civil War Officially begins John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry Dred Scott Decision 1857 THE COMPROMISES – Causes of the Civil War Pg. 66 Lincoln- Douglas Debates
How did debates and limitations of compromises lead to a Civil War in the United States?
Our Big Goals 1. Earn at least 80% mastery on all assessments. 2. Earn at least at 4 out of 5 on the AP U.S. History Exam. 3. Grow to at least a 9 th grade level in argumentative writing. 4. Grow at least 2 years in reading. 5. Write a resume.
1.Tell me about your life as a slave. Where did you live? What kinds of work did you do? What were some of the hardest things about your life? My life as a slave was ________. I had to work all the time and do things like __________. Some of the hardest things about my life were________.
2. Tell me about your escape from the South. Why did you decide to flee? How did you travel? How did you find your way? How did you survive? How did you feel? I decided to escape from the South and flee because ________. I found my way by __________. I survived by ________. I felt ________.
3. Tell me about the people you encountered on the Underground Railroad. What kinds of people did you come across? What are some of the different ways that they helped you? How did the abolitionists influence the Underground Railroad? As I embarked on the Underground Railroad, I came across people like ________. Some of the ways they helped me
4.Tell me about when what happened after you reached freedom. Where did you settle? Why did you choose that place? What kind of work did you do? What were some of the challenges you faced? How did you feel starting your new life?
Agreement or a settlement of a disagreement that is reached by all sides involved 1. Missouri Compromise 2. Compromise of Kansas-Nebraska Act A disagreement People NOT getting what they want Compromise (vocab word 1/3) Definition Characteristics/Illustration Examples Non-Examples Pg. 65
A person who favors the end (abolition) of a practice or institution, esp. (especially) capital punishment or slavery. (i.e.: People who are against slavery) 1. Harriet Tubman 2. Frederick Douglas 3. “Conductors” of the Underground Railroad 1. Slave owners 2. Plantation owners Abolitionist (vocab word 2/3) Definition Characteristics/Illustration Examples Non-Examples Pg. 65
Act of formally withdrawing from membership of a federation, esp. a political state. (i.e.: Southern states leaving the U.S.A.) 1. During the Civil War, all of the Southern states that left the U.S.A. 2. Modern Day: Texas 1. States NOT leaving the U.S.A. Secession/ Secede (vocab word 3/3) Definition Characteristics/Illustration Examples Non-Examples Pg. 65
What your feedback means. How can you improve? CS = You need to write in complete sentences SP = Use your notebook and/or a dictionary for spelling C = what are you or are you not capitalizing? P = check your punctuation!,. ? “ “ ; : - / NR = You’re not reviewing to ensure you understand UN = Reminder to always use your notebook! Keep a good one! T = I heard you during the warm-up...probably talking... Probably off-task Inc. = Incomplete