Chap.11 Global Ecology 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 2008 年 2 月至 6 月.


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Presentation transcript:

Chap.11 Global Ecology 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立台南大學 環境與生態學院 2008 年 2 月至 6 月

chap. 11 Global Ecology 2 Global Ecology 1.The transition from youth to maturity: toward sustainable civilizations 2.Ecological-societal gaps 3.Global sustainability 4.Scenarios 5.Long-term transitions

chap. 11 Global Ecology 3 1 The Transition from Youth to Maturity: Toward Sustainable Civilizations  Uncertainty, can not be effectively predicted 2001,9/11, the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City 2003, 8/14-15, electrical power outage affected 50 million people living in the northeastern US. 2003, 12/26, 6.6 magnitude earthquake destroyed the ancient city of Bam (Iran)

chap. 11 Global Ecology 4 The need for fundamental changes  Rapid growth should be avoided  the tragedy of the commons  Society must develop new international political and economic procedures in order to deal with a world of finite resources.  The economic capital, develop the yields of large short-term profits, often at the expense of natural capital, thus affecting the local quality of life.  The Limits to Growth

chap. 11 Global Ecology 5 Global model Consensus 1.Technological progress is expected, and is vital, but social, economic, and political changes will also be necessary. 2.Populations and resources cannot grow forever. 3.A sharp reduction in the growth rates of population and urban-industrial development.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 6 4.Continuing “business as usual” will not lead to a desirable future 5.Cooperative long-range approaches will be more beneficial for all parties than competitive short-term policies. 6.Decisions should be made in a holistic (systems) context.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 7 Ecological assessment  Three paradigms 1.A holistic approach is necessary when dealing with complex systems. 2.Cooperation has greater survival value than competition when limits are approached 3.Orderly, high-quality development requires negative as well as positive feedback mechanisms.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 8 Coming full circle  Human societies go from pioneer to mature status in a manner parallel to the way that natural communities undergo ecosystem development.  Continuing to act on a short-term, one- problem-one-solution basis as society grows larger and more complex leads to what economist A. E. Kahn (1966) called “ the tyranny( 苛政 ) of small decision”.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 9 2 Ecological-Societal Gaps 1. income gap 2. food gap 3. value gap between market and nonmarket goods and services. 4. education gap 5. resource management gap

chap. 11 Global Ecology 10 2 Ecological-Societal Gaps  Social traps, a situation in which a short- term gain is followed in the long term by a costly or deleterious situation not in the best interest of either the individual or society.  Dominion( 統治 ) versus stewardship( 管理 )  Environmental Ethics( 倫理 ) and Aesthetics( 美學 )

chap. 11 Global Ecology 11 3 Global Sustainability  in 1987, a World commission on Environment and Development issued a report entitled Our Common Future, which has come to be known as the “Brundtland Report”, after the former Prime Minister Brundtland of Norway, who as chair of the commission.  In 1991, UNESCO issued a report entitled “Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development: building on Brundtland”.  In 1992, Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 12 禁漏原則:  「禁漏原則」 (precautionary principle) Wingspread 宣言:科學家、政府官員、律師和環境工 作者,於 1998 年元月 日,在美國 Racine (Wisconsin 州 ) 的 Wingspread 中心,經過兩天的討論, 所得到的共識。 影響全球未來 30 年的重大事件!

chap. 11 Global Ecology 13 Dual capitalism( 雙重資本主義 )  Dual capitalism, a business or industry would not only consider the market possibilities for a new product or service, but also plan how to produce the product or service with an efficient use of resources and with as much recycling and as little population as possible. It would also consider how to internalize source reduction and waste management costs, so that the consumer– rather than the taxpayer – pays for waste management.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 14 Fig The bout-face needed in the management of production systems. (A( Focus on output (yield) with consequences such as increased nonpoint-source population.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 15

chap. 11 Global Ecology 16 Fig.1.2 Four organizational models: Changing relationships among business, society and environment. 摘取自: Abe, J. M., P. E. Dempsey, and D. A. Bassett (1998) Business Ecology, giving your organization the natural edge. Butterworth-Heinemann. 歷史的演變

chap. 11 Global Ecology 17 Fig.1.2 Four organizational models: Changing relationships among business, society and environment. 污染者付費 輸出的管制 歷史的演變

chap. 11 Global Ecology 18 Fig.1.2 Four organizational models: Changing relationships among business, society and environment. 生產效率的提昇 輸入的管理 歷史的演變

chap. 11 Global Ecology 19 Post-1990 Odum, E. P. (1997) Ecology: A bridge between science and society. Sinauer Associates, Inc. 圖 1. 生產系統管理必 要回歸原點 ( 向後轉 ) 。 歷史的演變

chap. 11 Global Ecology 20 Abe, J. M., P. E. Dempsey, and D. A. Bassett (1998) Business Ecology, giving your organization the natural edge. Butterworth- Heinemann. 事業 生態學

chap. 11 Global Ecology 21 4 Scenarios  Global bioethics( 生物倫理 ): building on the Leopold Legacy (V. R. Potter, 1988)  Managing Planet Earth (W. C. Clark, 1989)  Visions, value, valuation, and the need for a Ecological Economics (R. Costanza, 2001)  A prosperous way down: principles and policies (H.T. and E. C. Odum, 2001)  Closing the ecological cycle: the emergence of integrative science (G. W. Barrett, 2001)  The future of Life (E. O. Wilson, 2002)

chap. 11 Global Ecology 22

chap. 11 Global Ecology 23 Fig A historical perspective ( ) depicting the evolution of ecology and related ecological sciences.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 24 5 Long-Term Transitions  a summary of youth-maturity parallels between human and ecological systems and long-term prerequisites for achieving maturity is given in Table  If human society can make these transitions, then we can be optimistic about the future of human kind.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 25 Table 11-1.

chap. 11 Global Ecology 26

chap. 11 Global Ecology 27 問題與討論 Ayo 台南站: