Launched on Aug 5 th, 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity 18 companies and 3 NGOs Objectives: Promote, with the support of civil society, the mobilization of brazilian business sector for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity; Promote dialogue between government and business sector to improve existing legal and regulatory frameworks.
All member companies are signatories of the Entrepreneurial Charter Objective: Make a public statement through which companies declare a voluntary commitment to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, suggesting government at national and international level should take action. BUSINESS CHARTER FOR CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF BIODIVERSITY (Released on Sept 23 rd, 2010)
1.Adopt principles defined by United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), by incorporating into our corporate strategies the necessary actions directed to the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits arising from their use; 2.Contribute to defining and fulfilling the national goals for the CBD’s Strategic Plan ( ); 3.Create mechanisms to avoid promoting ecosystems’ degradation and biodiversity loss; 4.Ensure that our activities are in favor of the maintenance and recovery of Brazilian biomes, preventing its spread into degraded areas; BUSSINESS AGREEMENTS
5.Reward traditional communities’ and indigenous people’ contribution to a fair and equitable benefit sharing that arise from the development and commercialization of products derived from biodiversity; 6.Systematize and share good business practices in conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by promoting the spread of knowledge; 7.Promote business sectors, civil society and government engagement in consistent dialogue to improve legal and regulatory framework towards conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and the valuation of ecosystem services; 8.Monitor business commitments assumed by disclosing results periodically. BUSSINESS AGREEMENTS
1.Consolidate and evolve Brazil´s global leadership regarding biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources; 2.Defend the establishment of clear targets and goals to be achieved by 2020 in order to constitute and implement CBD´ Strategic Plan; 3.Propose global cooperation for the valuation of ecosystem services, with aim of promoting economic mechanisms for biodiversity conservation and ecosystems restoration; 4.Promote convergence between Climate Change and Biological Diversity Conventions’ agendas, aiming at maximizing results on global scale. PROPOSALS TO THE BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT – COP 10
Subcommittees Political Action Communications Work groups Temporary groups to study relevant themes and to develop documents of specific purpose Governance Commitment Monitoring GOVERNANCE
Participated on civil society´s Dialogue Panels, promoted by the Ministry of Environment, to build the National Goals under Aichi Targets for 2020; Participated on UNGC and UICN working group to develop the Framework on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services; Drive agenda to develop and spread competencies among company members for managing use of biodiversity; Developed “MEBB indicators” to monitor members’ commitments; Publicized a study on ABS that aim at influencing changes on legal regulatory framework in Brazil ACTIONS TAKEN