Civil Society's role in DCFTAs (long version) Eastern Partnership, Civil Society Forum Tbilisi, Georgia, 25 September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Civil Society's role in DCFTAs (long version) Eastern Partnership, Civil Society Forum Tbilisi, Georgia, 25 September 2015

Introduction Civil society mechanisms in DCFTAs are part of the Trade and Sustainable (TSD) Chapter TSD chapters have very similar wording in the Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian DCFTAs –Since the EU-Korea DCFTAs all new generation DCFTAs have such TSD chapters with the involvement of civil society The basic idea is that CS involvement and not trade sanctions ensure effective implementation of the TSD chapter 2

First mechanism: Domestic Advisory Group Each Party shall convene new or consult existing domestic advisory group(s) on sustainable development Task: advising the Parties on issues relating to the TSD Chapter –may submit views or recommendations on the implementation of this Chapter –on request or on own initiative. Members: –independent representative organisations of civil society –in a balanced representation of economic, social, and environmental stakeholders, including, among others, employers and workers organisations, non-governmental organisations, business groups, as well as other relevant stakeholders. 3

Second mechanism: Joint Civil Society Dialogue Forum Members: –domestic advisory group(s) and the public at large –balanced representation of relevant interests, including independent representative organisations of employers, workers, environmental interests and business groups, as well as other relevant stakeholders Convened once a year unless otherwise agreed by the Parties Task: to conduct a dialogue on sustainable development aspects of the DCFTA with the Parties: –Parties present an update on the implementation of this Chapter to the Forum –Forum submits its views and the opinions to the Parties –Both are made public 4

Scope of the TSD chapter in a nutshell The DAG's and the Forum's role is limited to the TSD chapter! Chapter's objective: trade should be sustainable Parties retain their right to regulate but increased economic activity must not be at the expense of lower social and environmental standards Parties effectively implement the most important international environmental and labour agreements, adhere to the core principles and cooperate in general –Separate article on biological diversity, sustainable management of forests, trade in fish products No sanctions but there is a dedicated dispute settlement system 5

Experience so far First meeting in Moldova in July –New DAGs formed beginning of the year EU DAG: EESC plays an important role –DAGs met separately and once jointly –TSD Sub-Committee meeting between EU and MD -> joint statement –Joint Meeting – exchange of statements and discussion –Followed by a workshop on waste management –Good participation, constructive approach on all sides –Next step: develop a work plan The first meeting in Georgia will take place end of this year, DAGs are already formed 6

Conclusion First new generation TSD chapter with Korea - implemented for four years –Difficult to evaluate, there are some small positive developments in labour law that may not have happened without the DCFTA DAGs and the Forum are powerful tools offered to the civil society Even if limited to the TSD chapter, the potential areas for action are wide Interactions and synergies with the other CS mechanisms should be explored Up to the CS to use its full potential! 7