Inno Design Tech Expo 10 th ISFJ Global Convention 1 st.,Japan Session Course A : “ Establishment of IFSJ” Time ・ Date:15:00 ・ Dec Speaker : IFSJ Chairman / Teiichi Aruga Establishment of IFSJ “Innovation Fusion Society of Japan” for Innovation emerging in Japan All Copyright©2014.IFSJ
Why Innovation in Japan Matured Japanese Economy requires new era of growth. Recent Japanese society is loosing vitality because of three major causes, ie. people’ aging, declining number of children and decreasing population. These phenomena are common in matured countries, but Japanese notable characteristic is that those phenomena are very rapidly occurring. To switchover to such era, new business-models, products and services should be developed by using innovative ideas. Recently Japanese government is formulating a positive policy for innovation. In another word, to get much more efficient society and create safety and kindly society, Japan should be re-vitalized by using innovative ideas and products. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ2
Why Innovation in Japan In Japan, many innovative ideas have been tried and practicing. In some cases those ideas are unique and getting successes, but still business size is small and range of business is limited to national level. For examples: Suica chips and toll systems, Cyberdine’s Robot-suits, Komatsu’ Komtrax Systems, Cool-cultures and so on. Putting innovation concepts into practice is needed for transforming Japanese society into the added-value society. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ3
Establishment of IFSJ The governmental Committee on industrial policies under Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI), 2 years ago, made reports pointing out necessity of creating new industries concept for new added-value businesses supported by IT. According to the government’s report, many meetings and discussions were made. One meeting was held gathering many areas’ people including people coming from industrial side, educational side and governmental side. They discussed how to create innovative peoples and how to manage innovative processes. This discussion brought about a new book: Integrated Phases of Innovation figuring out in Processes. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ4
Establishment of IFSJ The other group discussed to establish a new organization to handle innovation. This created the our Society. April 1 st, 2014, we established Innovation fusion Society Japan(IFSJ), so that we can gather various creative human assets from various fields to survive today and tommorow. And we just started the adovocy and activities that will contribute to revival of Japanese vitality, social and economic power up in Japan and international contributions as well. By gathering many kinds of people(already over 100 people), fusing those people’s knowledge, and creating new things, IFSJ will be a very unique group. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ5
Members General Meeting Board of Directors Decision Making Body Chairman President Mg.Director Director Vice Chairman Vice President Executive Agency Advisor Honorary Chairman Advisory Body Committee Sig Implementation Unit Chi-Study Cluster Supporting Board Special Advisor Supreme Advisor IFSJ Organization: The Executives 6 ( ) Note:SIG = Special Interest Group Secretariat Auditor Audit Function Planning Office
IFSJ Way of thinking and activities Basically, by positive person getting together, and everybody freely working, it is possible to gather many wide range of person having “Chi”(=synthetic concept of broad knowledge, wisdom and mind) in order to create and share “Ba(field) of Chi” causing innovation. The Society’s target is to make organizational approach for substantial actions. It is not enough to write down thesis's. Creation of real products and services is required. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ7
IFSJ Way of thinking and activities 2 types of activities are in effect. Cluster groups: Research and studies for a specific area of knowledge and technology conducted by a vice-president of knowledgeable on a specific area(already over 50 clusters exists). SIG(Special Interest groups): Horizontal research groups for fusing some clusters’ ideas by gathering intellectual and business’ skillful people. We even aim to make new companies on new innovative business- models, by searching investors, supporting to create new organizations, and introducing capital market. All Copyright©2014.IFSJ8
Practical Activities started In some clusters, already several results are studied and created for real businesses and products. We now discuss and develop ideas for making into real businesses by using such “sprout”. Some results: Big data and mobile-solution Extremely refined E-learning model Houses construction including great ideas for aged peoples’ care Innovation through Logo Q “Secured QR Code with full color” ⇒ At t omorrow’s morning session (10:30 ~ 11:00) in here, a presentation will be made on this subject. New Contents Management System(CMS) “WEB Q” All Copyright©2014.IFSJ9
Invitation to IFSJ Your on-going cooperation and support to the Society will be highly appreciated. Please access to the Society HP: Or mail to : Thank you very much!! All Copyright©2014.IFSJ10
Teiichi Aruga profile Name: Teiichi Aruga Affiliation: AIT Consulting Co., Ltd, President Qualification: IFSJ Chairman Address:4A Urbanflats Meidai-mae, , Matsubara, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN