AAMC Annual Meeting Highlights for Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) Representatives Contents: Overview CFAS 2014 Milestones CFAS Business.


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Presentation transcript:

AAMC Annual Meeting Highlights for Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) Representatives Contents: Overview CFAS 2014 Milestones CFAS Business Meeting Highlights from Meeting Content Washington Update

CFAS at AAMC Annual Meeting Overview Approximately 130 of the 355 total CFAS Society and Medical School representatives attended. Programming included: A CFAS Business Meeting, where the year’s past accomplishments and upcoming efforts were highlighted and discussed; Several sessions suggested and endorsed by CFAS and featuring CFAS speakers; A networking reception for CFAS reps; A CFAS Group Knowledge Sharing session which allowed early career and senior reps to share ideas and impressions of meeting takeaways and what they’d like to see from CFAS in the future.

CFAS 2014 Milestones Highlights and Major Accomplishments 1. Among the critical concerns voiced by CFAS representatives is the flux in faculty roles and expectations surrounding the pressures facing academic health centers and the related health system mergers and expansions. As a result, CFAS has taken the lead in organizing an AAMC consortium to define and value the role of faculty. 2. Another top priority for CFAS is the future of GME, which AAMC leadership has taken on as a broad advocacy priority for CFAS faculty and society feedback on the range of issues involved, from match risk to the shift to milestones and competencies, has informed our strategy.

CFAS 2014 Milestones Highlights and Major Accomplishments 3. Sustainable funding for NIH and biomedical research remains a key concern for faculty. Our advocacy efforts include targeted letters to Congress through multiple coalitions. CFAS has been an invaluable mechanism for quickly disseminating sign-on letters to get as many institutional and society voices added to these important messages. 4. Finally, we received specific requests for guidance on trainee use of EHRs, given the technical and regulatory barriers. This issue was brought to the AAMC Compliance Officer’s Forum, resulting in a Compliance Advisory clarifying the rules on trainee interaction with EHRs. Compliance Advisory

CFAS Business Meeting Major topics discussed: Results of a survey of academic society members to determine what they value most about CFAS membership, how AAMC and CFAS can add value, and what they’d like to see more of in the future. Results of an informal query of CFAS reps who attended the meeting on how their attendance was funded and how they communicate with their faculty or society peers about the meeting. Communicating with peers at home institutions on substantive issues remains a major priority. Ongoing tool development to improve communication among CFAS reps at their member institutions, including launch of A quarterly CFAS rep newsletter; and An listserv to better connect CFAS reps.

CFAS Business Meeting Major topics discussed: New brochure announced outlining the vision and purpose of CFAS and the value of membership and engagement to faculty, societies and institutions. To be distributed to members later in In response to feedback, CFAS will form additional topic areas to represent the full breadth of member interests and provide additional avenues for engagement.

Highlights from Meeting Content Key themes The meeting presented a wealth of information on a broad range of topics relevant to academic medicine, providing inspiration, perspective and best practices. Featured themes included: Resiliency, well-being, and improving organizational culture/learning environment; Improving match success and tackling the shortage of GME slots; Creating a better framework and process for the definition of med school faculty; The promise and practice of electronic health records; Innovations in medical education and residency training; Communicating the unique value of academic medical centers; Dispatches from the realm of patient engagement and patient-centered outcomes; Updates from the biomedical sciences: challenges and discoveries across the spectrum from genetics to learning health systems and models to integrate research experience into MD education; Promising practices for Community Health Needs Assessments and community outreach programs.

Highlights from Meeting Content How to access speaker slides To find specific details from various sessions, some speaker presentations are available on the mobile app. The presentations are housed at the bottom of the speaker record, will open as PDFs, and can be sent to a variety of apps or programs. Presentations also can be accessed through the online version of the Learn Serve Lead mobile app: Video recordings, along with presentations from the plenary sessions, will be posted to the Learn Serve Lead’s webpage: