Intellectual Freedom Banned Books & Beyond Adri Edwards-Johnson, MLIS Banned Book Week 2004 Images from
What is Intellectual Freedom? Results when a society recognizes individuals have the inalienable right to freedom of expression and unrestricted access to ideas. –If one of these is missing Intellectual Freedom does not exist.
Do we have a legal right to Intellectual Freedom? Yes 1 st Amendment FOIA Sunshine laws Whistleblowers Act Fair Use Numerous Court Cases No Obscenity laws 18 USC (classified info) Military Regulations Postal Regulations Tariff Act Communication Regulations PATRIOT Act DMCA Copyright Law Numerous Court Cases State/Local Laws
Why do we care? Culture – Think. It’s Patriotic. Free Will – You think therefore you are. Entertainment/Leisure – Rate this. Individuality – I am my own keeper. Progress – Movin’ right along.
Censorship Who does it? –Individuals Parents Students Teachers Reporters Librarians –Groups Religious Social Activist Political Media What is it? –The process of a power or force which represses certain elements and prevents them from emerging. –A censor was originally one who’s job was the supervision of public morals.
Banned/Challenged Books Reasons –Offensive language –Sexually explicit –Unsuited to age group –Other –Violence –Occult/Satanism –Religious View Point –Drugs –Homosexuality –Racism –Nudity –Political View –Sex Education –Insensitivity Places School Libraries School Classrooms Public Libraries Other University Classroom University Library
Example 1: In an age when strategic arranged marriages are used to climb the social ladder, this story tells the tale of a young woman who falls for the wrong man. He deceives her, kills a member of her family, and finally ends up taking her virginity, thus making her a social outcast. The moral of the story is for young women to be cautious of smooth talking men—many are out to take advantage of naive ladies. Would you ban this book? Why? What is this book?
z Le petit chaperon rouge Le petit chaperon rouge ( Little Red Riding Hood) First written in Brothers Grimm removed the stated moral of story from their version and added the Wood Cutter character Banned in California and Florida for Red having wine in her basket
Example 2: A little boy is left in the custody of relatives after an unfortunate accident kills his parents. The family members he is left with do not treat him well and he becomes sad and lonely after living with them for several years. One day he meets a group of individuals who offer to take him away to a place he’s always dreamed of visiting. He joins his new friends on an unparalleled adventure—thus learning that he is a stronger individual than he thought, that a definition of family can go beyond bloodlines, and that good can triumph over evil. Would you ban this book? Why? What is this book?
z James & the Giant Peach James & the Giant Peach ( by Roald Dahl) First published in 1961 Not the only Dahl book to be challenged for unsavory activities 1991 challenged in Florida 4 th -grade classroom for not being appropriate reading material for young children. A parent in Wisconsin demanded the word ass be removed and it promoted unhealthy lifestyle challenged in Florida again for foul words and for promoting drugs and whiskey.
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Questions/Comments? “If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all.” ~ Noam Chomsky “The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame.” ~Oscar Wilde “Fear of ideas makes us impotent and ineffective.” ~William O. Douglas “You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.” ~John Morley “Only the suppressed word is dangerous.” ~Ludwig Byrne