lesson A Special School & A Special Exam designed Frances
Where is she ? She is at a college for the elderly.
new words and phrases attention the elderly boredom senior citizen event jazz band culture fire station ahead traffic lights headlight work on windshield wiper crosswalk mirror 注意 无聊 事件 文化 在前面 前灯 挡风玻璃 (汽车的)雨擦 老年人 爵士乐队 消防站 交通灯 致力于 人行横道 镜子
Task 1 A mixed-up advertisement 1 place a anyone over sixty years old for 2 an boredom day keeps idea a away A place for anyone over sixty years old. An idea a day keeps boredom away.
3 better than being being busy is lonely 4 computers just young people for aren’t Being busy is better than being lonely. Computers aren’t just for young people.
Task 2 A matching game topic sentences paragraph have many special events 2 keep working on their skills 3 learn how to use the Internet and make a web page 4 talk about history and their lives 5
Task 3 True or false 1 Elderly people can practise skills they already have. ( ) 2 People in China don’t care about traditional culture. ( ) 3 Elderly people can learn how to play the piano. ( ) 4 They will have a rock band come to their college to play. ( ) 5 We can learn a lot from the elderly. ( ) T F T F T
Discussion If you were a senior citizen, what would you do for fun?
Task 4 A driving quiz A There isn’t a park nearby. B You cannot park here.
A You must slow down because there’re some children nearby. B The children can run across the road.
A You cannot drive big trucks on this road. B You cannot drive small cars on this road.
Task 5 A driving test 1 What should you do if you are driving a car and see a red traffic light ahead? Slow down first, look in the mirror to see what is behind you, then stop the car carefully.
2 What should you do if the light changes to green? Check the road, then drive away carefully.
3 What should you do if it starts to rain? Use the windshield wiper, turn on the headlights and slow down.
4 Where mustn’t you park your car? (1) In front of a bus stop (2) On the crosswalk (3) In front of a fire station
Homework 1 To review the passages 2 To do the consolidation exercise
Thank you!