Ice Protection © 2011 Tron Aviation Flight Operations and Pilot Training Program Version 3.0
System Overview –Windshield Heat –Heated Air Data Probes and Ports –Heated Engine Inlet Cowls –Leading Edge De-ice Boots –Ice Protection System Limitations System Operation –Windshield Heat –Heated Air Data Probes and Ports –Heated Engine Inlet Cowls –Leading Edge De-Ice Boots –Controls and Indications Anti/De-ice system malfunction indications and color-logic Ice protection system CAS messages System Review What You Will Learn
System Overview
Windshield Heat – Heated mats placed in both left and right windshields Heated air data probes and ports –Electrically heated probes and ports –Probes automatically regulate, monitored by the ACS Heated Engine Inlet Cowls –Powered by engine bleed air –Anti-ice feature to provide ice ingestion prevention Leading Edge De-Ice boots –Provide de-ice capability –On wing & horizontal stabilizer leading edges
Limitations & Specifications Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited Use of Windshield Heat is prohibited Use of Leading Edge De-Ice Boots is prohibited
System Operation Flight Operations and Pilot Training Program Version 3.0
Windshield Heat Both the right and left windshields have a heater mat which will cause super cooled liquid water to remain in a liquid state while in contact with the windshield After selected On by the pilot, the ACS automatically cycles windshield heat on and off to prevent windshield overheat which would occur at 180°F
Heated Probes and Ports All probes are self-regulating and automatically heated for both ground and flight operations Are monitored by the ACS for overheat protection Begin heat cycle with at least one engine running or if selected ON by the pilot
Heated Engine Inlet Cowl Engine cowls are heated with engine bleed air –Bleed air is ducted through piccolo tubes which deliver hot air to a large surface area around the cowl –The air is then dumped overboard through an exhaust port –Take off performance will be reduced when ANTI ICE is on Exhaust Port Piccolo Tube inlet port Inlet Lip Attachment Flange
Leading Edge De-Ice Boots Engine bleed air is fed through a regulating valve on engine to: –A pneumatic distribution valve to inflate and deflate the boot OR –To engine inlet cowls for engine anti-ice –After the air has been used to heat the cowls it is dumped overboard
Controls and Indications Flight Operations and Pilot Training Program Version 3.0
Controls and Indications Two Position Ice Light Three Position Engine/Wing Switch
Ice Protection Synoptic Anti/De-ice also controlled and monitored on the ICE protection synoptic page
Synoptic Page Color Logic… White Outline: means the system is off Green: means the system is on Amber: means the system has failed
Abnormal Operations Flight Operations and Pilot Training Program Version 3.0
Pitot Heat Failure –CAS message will be displayed on MFD –Probe will be displayed in amber on ICE synoptic page
Windshield Overheat Limit temperature of 180° F was reached however, ACS was unable to disable windshield heat The pilot must remove power from the windshield by isolating that windshield’s bus
Windshield Heat Sensor Fault Embedded windshield temperature sensor has failed Associated temperature display turns red with three dashes L (R) WSHLD HEAT FAULT advisory CAS message is displayed
Engine Anti-ice Failure Engine inlet anti-ice failure during flight... L (R) ENG A/ICE FAIL caution message appears on MFD Note: Previous CAS message will also appear if the system is switched on and the inlet temperature sensor remains cold, indicating no airflow Failure indicated on the ice protection synoptic by amber colored engine cowls
Ice Protection Warning Messages L WSHLD OVHTLeft Windshield has overheated.Warning R WSHLD OVHTRight Windshield has overheated.Warning
Ice Protection Caution Messages L (R) ENG A/ICE FAILEngine anti-ice failedCaution L (R) PITOT HEAT FAILPitot/AOA heat failedCaution L (R) STATIC HEAT FAILStatic port heaters are inoperativeCaution L (R) WSHLD HEAT FAILWindshield heat is inoperativeCaution STBY PITOT HEAT FAILStandby pitot heat failedCaution WING DEICE FAILWing deice malfunction detectedCaution
Ice Protection Advisory Messages ENG ANTI-ICE MON FAULTEngine anti-ice sensors failed (Ground Only)Advisory L (R) ENG A/ICE VLV FAULTEngine anti-ice valve is stuck openAdvisory L (R) STATIC HEAT FAILStatic port A or B heater is inoperative (Ground Only)Advisory L (R) WSHLD HEAT FAULTL or (R) windshield heat sensor fault. (Ground Only)Advisory STATIC HTR MON FLTUnable to monitor function of heaters, heaters will still operateAdvisory WING DEICE MON FAULTWing deice pressure sensor malfunction (On Ground Only)Advisory
Ice Protection Status Messages ENG A/ICE ONEngine anti-ice only onStatus ENG/WING PROT ONEngine anti-ice and wing deice onStatus WINDSHIELD HEAT MANUALWindshield heat manually activatedStatus
System Review Flight Operations and Pilot Training Program Version 3.0
Review What color will be indicated on the MFD ICE Protection synoptic page when a boot has failed? –The boot will appear in yellow If engine cowl anti-ice is needed for takeoff, what should the pilot expect? –Reduced takeoff performance due to engine bleed air being used for engine cowl heating How is air data probe/port heat controlled? –Probe/port heat is self-regulated, monitored by ACS Are wing boots considered DE-ICE or ANTI-ICE? –DE-ICE