2012 SA Local Government Roads & Works Conference ‘One System’ OHS Model Implementation Presented By: Lucy Perpetua August 2012
3 WHAT IS OHS ? ‘It is a question of basic and absolute social justice – a person who goes to work is entitled to walk out and come home. It is an absolutely basic human right to live and not be killed in the pursuit of getting an income.’ Joe Riordan – Chairperson Worksafe Australia (1995) LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
4 WHAT IS LG’s OHS Model? All Self Insured Employers must be compliant with The OHS&W Legislation and The Performance Standards for Self Insurers LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
5 How can the LGAWCS assist Councils to meet the requirement of the OHSW Legislation and the Performance Standards? LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
6 KEY STEPS The LGAWCS has developed a number of key steps (program of activities) to assist Councils move forward to compliance with the legislation and the standards The LGAWCS have shared this approach with the WorkCover SA who have expressed support for this direction if effectively implemented LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
7 ONE SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAMME The Essential Safety Platform (ESP) Program ( approx. 5 days over 3 weeks program) The “One System” Implementation Program (OSIP) ( approx. 15 days over 6 weeks program) LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
8 Key points Senior Management participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring and review of the OHSW Management System OUTCOMES An OHSW Plan and Programs with objectives, targets and key performance indicators A gap analysis of the Council OHSMS against the core components of the One System Policies and Procedures An organisation Hazard profile LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
9 Key points The planning process is only the first step, without significant and genuine commitment from you it will not be implemented effectively. If you have this commitment, we can help you with the practical application to make it work. LGA Workers Compensation Scheme
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