Concrete Poetry Creative Writing: Mrs. Dascomb 1
What is a Concrete Poem? Poem that takes the shape of the subject Ex: If the poem is about a star, the words will form the shape of a star. 2
Concrete Poetry: Must relate to the subject Be in the shape of the subject Image created by the arrangement of letters and words 3
Concrete Poetry: Examples 4 Concrete poetry. (2009). Retrieved April 3, 2009, from Turning pages: ttp:// od-concrete- poem.jpg&imgrefurl= poems/&usg=__Ziny6ZCAsCljNpfzwq- Zl1G5c_s=&h=688&w=640&sz=75&hl=en &start=145&um=1&tbnid=xGaSojYR:&tbn h=139&tbnw=129&prev=/images%3Fq%3 Dconcrete%2Bpoetry%26ndsp%3D18%26 hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26rlz%3D1T4D GUS_enUS308US308%26sa%3DN%26st art%3D144%26um%3D1
Concrete poetry. (2009). Retrieved April 3, 2009, fro Turning pages: poem.jpg&imgrefurl= 2009/02/23/concrete- poems/&usg=__Ziny6ZCAsCljNpfzwq- Zl1G5c_s=&h=688&w=640&sz=75&hl=en&start= 145&um=1&tbnid=xGaSojYR:&tbnh=139&tbnw= 129&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dconcrete%2Bpoetry %26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff% 26rlz%3D1T4DGUS_enUS308US308%26sa%3 DN%26start%3D144%26um%3D1 Concrete Poetry: Examples 5
Concrete Poetry: Prewriting NOTE: Grammar/spelling not important during this stage Choose topic Sketch shapes related to topic Helpful to list few words/phrases related to topic 6
Concrete Poetry: Drafting 7 Students take ideas from prewriting Complete first draft of concrete poem
Concrete Poetry: Drafting May want to skip lines for corrections Label as draft Student should focus more on content than on grammar and spelling Handwriting should be legible 8