School Design, infrastructure, and technology Aussie Ed 2026
Design Don’t worry, be happy No schools, no classrooms, eSchools eLearning eTeachers
Reality Check!
2026 Yes, we will still have schools But what sort of schools will we have? What will they look like? What will happen in them?
Ho hum. Pretty much what they look like now, doing pretty much what we are doing now.
Try to be positive, Geoff The current political (dominant) ideology is about “The Economy” not about community - ruling class/ruling culture! The economy needs schools to mind children On the positive side –To learn complex information systems - such as literacy, mathematics, science, history - learners need scaffolding. –This usually happens in schools (and will still happen in schools in 2026) but will probably happen more and more in cyberspace
This not helping Geoff I am a Principal and I have to make decisions NOW about the design of my new school Design for people, not for technology The technology matters, but colour, texture, landscaping, aesthetics, history, tradition, culture, community, space, etc, etc, probably matter more. Diverse, flexible, good quality, teaching and learning spaces in which people feel comfortable. Spaces that people feel good about using and caring for Plan for community
What will the technology look like?
It will probably be luminous, rectangular, funky, sick, rad, cool and red!
1. Emerging Technologies Infrastructure Technologies: including technical infrastructure such as WLANs, and WIFi, learning managements systems, student management systems and digital student report card systems, plagiarism detection systems, online collaborative workspaces, virtual classroom software systems, e-Portfolios, learning objects, and other content infrastructure initiatives.
2. Emerging Technologies Smart Classroom Technologies: teaching and learning tools that generate greater interaction between learners, teachers, parents and guardians) including interactive whiteboards, online tutors, personal conferencing, personalisation and customisation, instant messaging and chat, web forums, , SMS, and MMS.
3. Emerging Technologies The Digital Backpack (mlearning – mobile learning): focussing on mobile devices such as USB drives, portable hard drives, personal savers, personal entertainment devices (e.g. iPod, MP3 players) PDAs, mobile phones, laptops, tabletPC’s, gaming devices and assistive adaptive technologies.
Not sure what it will look like but I know what I want it to be and what I want it to do I want it to WORK, (pleaseee!!) I want it to be Robust, Wireless, Ubiquitous, Useful, reliable, Easy to use, I want Multimedia, 3D, Wearable, Portable, Networkable, Compatible, Communicable, Powerful. I want it to be clever, innovative, smart I want it to make my life easier, interactive, I want it to be awesome, I want it to blow me away I want it to help me solve complex problem, to help me collaborate, communicate, learn I want it to be an extension of my brain I want it to entertain me and I want it cheap! I want BANDWIDTH!!!!!! I want it on my terms! Do I want too much??
How will we get there? Get where? –Getting the technology we want? Is capitalism delivering the technology we want? Can we rely on Microsoft, Apple, Cisco, Intel to deliver my wish list by 2026? –Getting the education system we want? Getting the education system who wants? In the education system I want “technology matters but good teaching (learning) matters more”
Geoff,,,, this is not helping Ok, I reject the notion of the teacher as a technician who implements “best practice” I am suspicious of “evidence based practice”, the call for more “scientific” research, the notion of ICT as a catalyst for reform of teaching and learning Is all this stuff going to make a difference? The answer is ….
“It depends” On what? –Teachers as reflective, creative, innovative, professionals who makes decisions about what is appropriate for learners What the teacher thinks, says and does. This is what is going to make the biggest impact
Getting there is about Investment in teachers and teaching as well as investment in technology and buildings How do we make it happen –Only 10% of teachers are capable of being “reflective, creative, innovative professionals” –There is a lost generation out there. Time for the BB’s to retire and give some others a go! –The university system of teacher education is crap –The government/department does not trust its teachers –Education is not funded
2027 We will still have schools So let’s –Staff and fund them properly –Design and build them for people –Be innovative, creative, flexible and humanistic about what happens in them –Give them BANDWIDTH
The important questions How can we design schools that improve our community/culture/society? How do we do this in a fair, equitable and inclusive way? Can the technology help us to do this? I hope so!