Pre-SEHS! Before 1965, the only public schools in the area were: 1 st -9 th Graders attended Robinson Springs. 10 th -12 th graders attended Holtville! Sweetnin Community School (Black Students) 1 st -3 rd Sandtown School (Black Students)
Traitors! However, if you owned your own transportation, you could cross the county line and attend: PRATTVILLE HIGH SCHOOL!
Where Did the School Get Its Name? Mr. Stanhope E. Elmore was born on November 17, He worked for the Coca Cola Co until the time of his death in He was a dedicated churchman, philanthropist, civic worker and businessman.
Coca-Cola Rules! Since Mr. Elmore worked for the Coke company, only Coke products can be sold on the campus of Stanhope Elmore High School.
The Beginning: After Mr. Elmore’s death, his children donated 35 acres of land to the Elmore Co. Board of Education. The land was given to serve the youth of the Elmore Co. area.
STANHOPE ELMORE HIGH SCHOOL! Our school is named after a representative figure. That is the reason that we do not call our school just “Stanhope.” You would not call Jeff Davis High School just “Jeff High School.” You are showing disrespect to Mr. Elmore’s memory by not calling the school by its correct name.
Opening Day! SEHS did not open its doors until January of From August until January, the students in this area had to attend Robinson Springs School. For 5 months, the older children attended RSS from 7:30-11:30 and the younger ones attended from 11:30-3:00.
First Facts: The first principal of Stanhope Elmore was Mr. Thomas E. Turner. The first class graduated 26 students! We now average around 250 per graduating class. The first school newspaper was called The Mustang Roundup!
You Better Shape Up! If you got in trouble at school, you received a paddling. The boys were sent to the office and “whooped” by the principal. The girls were sent to the gym and paddled by either Mrs. Stokes or Mrs. Crosby (Mrs. Crosby is currently working at ECTC)
Mascot and School Colors The students in a freshman history class decided on the school colors and mascot.
School Colors Our school colors are cardinal and black. These colors were chosen because the Alabama fans out voted the Auburn fans! ROLL TIDE!
Mascot Since the 1964 Mustang was such a big hit, the students chose a mustang to be our mascot!
FOOTBALL FIELD There are conflicting reports on what the first field was called. Some say “Mustang Field.” Others say “Stanhope Elmore Football Field.” However, in the 1980’s the field was named Conrad B. Henderson Stadium after the long time principal, Coach Conrad Henderson. In ______ the stadium was renamed Foshee-Henderson Stadium after long time coach, Jimmy Foshee. Coach Rick Samsal (Class of 1968) made the first touchdown on the SEHS field.
Corona= Yearbook The term Corona comes from the Latin word meaning the best, the highest, or a crown. Therefore, the yearbook, our Corona, represents the best of the best at SEHS!
Real Food! Here is a picture of a SEHS lunchroom tray! For many years, the students had real plates, trays and eating utensils! Fried chicken and French fries were often served! Students sat in chairs and had to place their chairs on top of the table before they could leave.
SEHS TRIVIA: When the school was first built, only the 100 bldg., gym and lunchroom existed. The office was located in room 111 and the library was what is now two of the JROTC rooms. Coach Henderson kept his many goats in a pen out beside the Ag. Shop! The goats escaped all the time and even stomped through graduation exam testing during the 90’s! The principal had to lure them out of the building with Doritos!
1. Thomas E. Turner 2. Bob Watson 5 Conrad Henderson 6. Ray Stringer 7 Louie Fryer 8 Bruce Fulmer 9. Marshall Anderson 10 Susan Jones 11. Ginger Wright 12. Jamey McGowin 3. Jackie Davis 4 William Earnest Principals of Stanhope Elmore High School
Alma Mater Proudly she stands, Noble and grand, through her portals pass the future of our land. Her loyalty is true May it ever be for you. Your loyal sons stand by HAIL! Stanhope Elmore High.
Optional Quiz: 1. What year was SEHS founded? 2. How many were in the 1 st graduating class? 3.For what company did Mr. Stanhope Elmore work? 4. What was the name of the first school newspaper? 5. Why are our school colors maroon and black? 6. What is our school mascot? 7.What is the official name of our football stadium? 8.What is the name of our Yearbook? 9.In what building was the office and library originally located? 10. What animal stomped through the graduation exams in the 90’s?