Highlands High School Incoming Freshman Scheduling Meeting Incoming 9th Grade Students Highlands High School Parents Scheduling Meeting WELCOME CLASS OF 2018!!! Mrs. Trinity Walsh 9/10 Counselor One-on-One Scheduling Appointment - www.highlandsguidance.genbook.com
Scheduling Packet PINK pages Recommendation Sheet SAMPLE 4-Year Academic Plan Electives Sheet Course Catalog (online/book at parent meeting on 1/14/14) AP Course Meetings (details to follow)
Basic Graduation Requirements English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Science – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits Fine Arts – 1 credit Health – ½ credit Physical Education – ½ credit Electives – 6 credits
Student Classification Freshman Sophomore = 5 credits Sophomore Junior = 10 credits Junior Senior = 16 credits Senior GRADUATION = 22 credits
At the beginning of your FRESHMAN YEAR!!! Class Rank & GPA Your Grade Point Average, or GPA, is simply the average of your cumulative grades at the end of each semester of school. Some courses have more “weight” based upon the level of course. Your class rank is your standing in relation to ALL of the other students in your grade. This starts right away !!! At the beginning of your FRESHMAN YEAR!!!
Eligibility Students can not be failing more than one course to be eligible for extracurricular activities (this includes: sports, music groups, clubs, school sponsored groups, AND school dances) College Athletic Eligibility (NCAA) www.eligibiltycenter.org Students interested playing college athletics should let their counselor know as soon as they can.
Special Diploma Considerations Kentucky’s Pre-College Curriculum Highlands High School Advanced Curriculum HHS Major of Intensive Study CAPSTONE Program
Kentucky’s Pre-College Curriculum English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Elective Science – 3 credits Life, Earth, or Physical Science Social Studies – 3 credits World Civ., US History, Government Health – ½ credit Physical Education – ½ credit Fine Arts – 1 credit (check electives sheet) Foreign Language – 2 credits Electives – 5 credits
HHS Advanced Curriculum Completion of Kentucky’s Pre-College Curriculum Completion of 10 “Advanced” Courses “AP” Courses can be substituted for “Advanced” Courses Completion of 2 “AP” Courses Minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.75 Awarded Seal on Diploma and Noted in Graduation Program
HHS Major of Intensive Study Completion of a presentation and defense of a Senior Thesis Project. Completion of “Senior Seminar” Course Completion of at least 4 courses in the intended research area with a minimum average of “B” (85). Completion of Kentucky’s Pre-College Curriculum Students wear Honor Cord at graduation and Noted on Diploma and Final Transcript
Highlands High School Incoming Freshman Scheduling Meeting Capstone Program Mass Communications/Performing Arts In conjunction with Western Kentucky University One-on-One Scheduling Appointment - www.highlandsguidance.genbook.com
9th Grade Courses REQUIRED COURSES – 4 periods English – full year Math – full year Science – full year Health – semester & Physical Education – semester ELECTIVE COURSES – 2 periods Foreign Language, Fine Arts, Family & Consumer Science, Business, Technology, Mass Communications EARLY BIRD COURSE Foundation of Exercise, Health & Wellness (Phys. Ed./Health) – full year 7:00am – 7:50am Enables students to take an additional course (7 period day) EXTENDED DAY COURSE 3:00pm – 3:50pm Alternate if it doesn’t run
Early Bird/Extended Day What are Early Bird/Extended Day Courses? What Early Bird/Extended Day Courses can I take? Freshmen – Healthy Start (Phys. Ed./Health) Sophomore – EB AP World History Junior – EB AP American Language & Comp. Senior – EB AP American Literature & Comp. What is the benefit?
AP Courses What is AP? What AP Courses can I take as a freshman? AP Human Geography What is the benefit?
Scheduling Steps Scheduling Recommendations given out at the PARENT MEETING on January 14th at 7:00PM. Review recommendations for English, Math, Science Select Electives Use the Electives Sheet Select Alternates Write the course number and course title on Recommendation/Scheduling Sheet Complete the 4-Year Academic Plan Use the Course Catalog and Electives Sheet Make a One-on-One appointment to meet with counselor to review choices and plans
Summer Activities Freshmen Transitions Day Approximately 1 week before school starts TENTATIVE DATE – August 5, 2014 Receive Schedule Meet with Mentor Group Fun Activities Learn more about life in high school Mentor Assignment Tentative First Day of School : August 14, 2014
Meeting with Your Counselor Can email or call anytime Trinity.Walsh@fortthomas.kyschools.us 859.815.2605 One-on-One Scheduling Appointment www.highlandsguidance.genbook.com If you don’t have internet access you can call 859.815.2606 – Janine Sharp, Secretary During School Year Open Door Policy Any day from 7:45 – 3:45